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"Garroth, please take the food. You need to eat something" Dante said.

He got no response. The door finally opened just enough that Dante could pass the bowl of potato soup through. He held the bowl in the room. He saw Garroth's hand grab the bowl. Dante let go of the bowl and Garroth took it and closed the door.

Dante sighed and turned around. He went down the stairs and to the kitchen where Vylad was.

"Did he take it?" Vylad asked.

"He did, but he didn't come out. I just handed it to him through the door." Dante said.

"It's still better than yesterday. Didn't eat anything." Vylad said.

"Yeah. Aph said that she was going to do the, um, informing." Dante said.

"Okay then." Vylad said. He hesitated before getting the courage. "Um, Dante, so about the other night." He said.

Dante's face turned a bright pink. "Oh that. Wha-what about it?

Vylad went over and grabbed Dante's hands.

"I know that we both understand our feelings. And I'm glad about that. But, I want to hold off on anything for a while. At least just until Garroth is better emotionally."

Dante looked down. "I understand. He's your brother, and he is important to you. I don't want to keep you from helping him."

Vylad pulled Dante in and hugged him. "Thank you Dante. Let's just be friends for now."

They let go and Dante nodded. "Sounds good to me."


Aphmau had been driving for a long time. She knew that Laurance's family lived a long ways away.

Driving along endless roads, she finally saw the house she was looking for.

Aphmau pulled into the driveway. She looked through the envelopes for the right one. She found it and held it in her lap. Aphmau was hesitant to go and deliver it. This would defiantly be the hardest one to deliver. Which is why she went there first.

Aphmau got out of the car and slowly made her way to the front door. Getting there, she climbed the few steps and knocked on the door. It opened a couple seconds later. Cadenza was holding her little brother Caleb, who was getting pretty big.

"Aphmau! I'm a so great to see you." Cadenza said.

Aphmau smiled a little. "It's good to see you to Cadenza. I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"What do you mean?" Cadenza asked.

Aphmau sadly handed over the envelope in her hand to Cadenza.

She opened the envelope and read the first bit of it. As she read it, tears swelled up in her eyes. She put her brother on the ground.

"Go to Mommy and Daddy buddy." She said.

The innocent little boy turned around and waddled into the kitchen.

Cadenza then read the note out loud. "We wish to inform you of the passing of Laurance Zvhal. Is this some kind of cruel joke Aphmau? My brother can't be dead."

Tears streamed down Aphmau's face. "I wish it was. I really do. But it isn't, it can't be."

"How did it happen?" Cadenza asked.

"The quick short version is in the invitation. Along with other information." Aphmau said.

Cadenza nodded. "Ok, I'm sure you have other things to do."

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