One Last Time

408 9 43

SONG WARNING: Please don't pay any mind to the video part. Just the song! The video is something totally different. And please don't play the song until I say!


Garroth waited for it to hit him. But it never did. He stopped running and turned around.

But we can't start there now can we?


Nana and Zane

Nana went around to the passenger side door.

"A carnival ground, seriously." Zane said. "Why would my parents buy this place?"

"I don't know, but it's abandoned. Garroth might be in here." Nana said as she helped Zane out of the car.

"I just think that it would be a hangout for snoopy teenagers. It would attract too much attention."

"Maybe. Are you sure you don't want to stay in the car?" Nana asked.

Zane nodded. "I'm fine."

They headed inside. They decided to look in the old haunted house first. There was pictures of clowns and graffiti all over the walls. They found nothing but empty spray cans and trash.

After checking most of the carnival grounds they gave up and headed back to the car.

"Well,this was a waste of time." Zane said.

"It's fine Zane." Nana said. "Lets go to the coffee house."

They hoped into the car and left to meet the others.

"This was still pointless." Zane grumbled.

Travis and Katelyn

Travis and Katelyn say in the car, starting at the old abandoned hospital.

"Why would Garte and Zianna buy an abandoned hospital? And why haven't they done anything with it yet?" Katelyn asked.

"They're probably working on something else right now." Travis said.

They sat in total silence.

"Are we going to go on now?" Katelyn asked.

"Y-ya." Travis said.

"What's wrong?" Katelyn asked, sighing.

"N-nothing. W-why would something b-be wrong?" Travis said.

"You're stuttering. You do that when you get nervous."

"To be honest, I'm afraid of abandoned places. Since we know that paranormal stuff and, de-mons, are real, it scares me more."

"Oh, come on Travis." Katelyn said. "It'll be fine."

"I'm sure it will be Katelyn." Travis said sarcastically.

They got out of the car and went to the front steps and walked up them. Katelyn swung open the door. It opened with a small squeak. They looked around at all the debree.

"This place is a dump!" Travis said.

"That's for sure. Let's split up and see if we can find Garroth." Katelyn said.

"No! Don't leave me alone Katelyn!" Travis said.

"Oh my Irene. Fine! Come on."

They walked down the hallway, passing many hospital rooms full off empty beds and medical equipment.

"See Travis? It's fine. Nothing bad is going to happen." Katelyn said.

"Huh. Maybe your right." Travis said.

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