The Fight- Garroth and Laurence

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As Laurence went up the stairs to the ground floor, he heard someone making food. He could also smell the aromas for already done food.

Garroth looked up from making some sausage. He already made a plate of 2 dozen eggs, 30 pancakes, and what seemed to be most of the bacon.

"Morning Laurence." Garroth greeted.

"Morning. You certainly made alot of food." Laurence replied.

"It takes twice as much food to fill me up now." Garroth said.

"Witch means double the groceries. Meaning that we might need more money. And that leads to overtime." Laurence pointed out.

Garroth sighed, "True."

Laurence went to the fridge and opened the right door.

"By the way, I used some of your cheese for the eggs." Garroth said to Laurence.

"That's fine."

"I was just out of it in my food. I'll buy some more today. As soon as I figure out how to put these ears and tail away." Garroth explained.

"It's really fine Garroth. Just look and see what you need to buy and get it in town so that you don't have to take my food." Laurence said.

"I will, I promise." Garroth said.

They say down and ate the food that Garroth cooked. Laurence eating maybe 1/4th of the meal while Garroth ate the other 3/4ths of the food. And Garroth still got done eating before Laurence.

"Wow, you were not kidding when you said that you eat A LOT of food now." Laurence laughed.

"No, I wasn't" Garroth joked, "I'm going to take a shower. See ya later buddy."


A long time after, Laurence heard Garroth finally get out of the shower and went to take a turn.

The first thing that Laurence noticed, was all of the fur on the floor, in the sink, and covering the tub.

That's just disgusting. And what I will have to deal with for a loooooong time. Laurence thought.

So he took the shower head, turned it on and sprayed all of the fur down the drain of the sink and tub. He then sweeped the floor free of werewolf fur.

"I'm going to have to talk to Garroth about cleaning his fur up after showering." Laurence said, "I'll talk to him about it when I'm done."

So Laurence hurried and showered and got some clothes on, and went to talk to Garroth about his fur problem.

"Ya, no problem Mommy. I'll tell Zane you said hi. Yep bye." Garroth looked and saw Laurence, "yes mom. I know, I love you to. Bye Mommy."

Garroth finally got his mom to hang up and turned to Laurence.

"Hey, you need anything?" Garroth asked him.

"Ya, um, let's go sit at the table." Laurence said.

They went and sat down at he table and started to have a conversation.

"First, I just want to ask, what was your mom calling for?" Laurence asked.

"She was just checking up on Zane and I. She has been really overprotective ever sense Starlight." Garroth explained.

"Oh ok. Anyways. I wanted to talk to you about your fur." Laurence started.

"Ya, what about it?" Garroth asked.

"I went to go shower and it was, everywhere." Laurence explained.

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's fine, but I just want to ask if you could clean it up when you get out of the shower cause I don't want to have to clean up after you." Laurence said.

"Ya, no problem. I'll try my best to do that. I don't want to be a problem to you and Zane." Garroth promised.

"Thanks, that would be great." Laurence said. "Yep, no problem."

He stood up. "I'm going to go to work. See you."

"Bye Laurence."

*Time skip*

When Laurence got home he heard a loud smash of glass.

"Uh oh," Laurence said as he rushed inside.

When he got inside, Laurence put his stuff down and rushed upstairs to Garroth's room.

"Garroth! What happened?" Laurence shouted.

Garroth looked at Laurence.

"Sorry Laurence. I was running around my room, trying to get some energy out and tripped." Garroth explained.

"Haven't you been outside today?" Laurence asked.

"No! I haven't been able to get these ears and tail put away, so I couldn't go out side and have been cooped up all day." Garroth explained.

"Oh. So that means that you didn't go to the store today then?" Laurence guessed.


"That's ok. But you can't eat my food." Laurence said.

"I wasn't. I was going to eat Zane's." Garroth said.

"You really need to get your own food bro. Zane is not going to be happy."

"I know, but he usually is at kawaii~chan's house all day." Garroth said. "Besides, he hasn't been here for at least a month. He won't even notice."

"Still, you should know that Zane will know one way or another." Laurence said.

"I know. But it's only because I can't go to the store." Garroth explained.

"Well wear a jacket over your ears and tail." Laurence said.

"It doesn't work like that Laurence!" Garroth said, his voice rising, "It might've worked with aphmau's hat when they were growing in because they looked like the hat style, but it won't work now!"

"Well then you might want to find a way to hide them, otherwise you'll be stuck here without food for a while, because your not going to eat my food!" Yelled Laurence.

"I won't!" Garroth yelled back.

"Well I'm going to go and hide my food just in case you get ideas! Don't eat Zane's food either!" Laurence demanded.

Laurence stomped downstairs yelling at Garroth about eating someone else's food and to find a way to go buy his own food.

They were yelling at he top of their lungs back and forth and stood, staring at one another. Arguing, and shouting.

A/N the part of when Laurence goes to work will not fit in with the other perspectives. I had already written the other POVs before publishing and there was nothing I could do to make it different without have to rewrite the rest of the chapters. So deal with it. Also its really hard to get out chapters when I have no one to proofread. So I have to do it by myself and I am really picky about my book being perfect so it takes me a couple of days to make me confident that a chapter is good. So please don't give me crap.

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