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Laurance sat up and looked at Garroth. They had both fallen asleep on Garroth's bed.

Garroth started to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked at Laurence.

"Morning Laur." Garroth said.

"Morning." Laurance said.

They just sat on the bed in silence.

They had gone to sleep last night. Laurance had been too tired to go to his own room, so he had just decided to sleep with Garroth.

"Want to make some breakfast?" Laurance asked.

"Sure." Garroth said.

The boys got up and headed to the kitchen to eat.

They made some waffles and some bacon. After making breakfast (and some bad puns) they sat down to eat.

"It's really peaceful here." Laurance said.

"You bet it is." Garroth said.

They sat in awkward silence. There wasn't much to say.

"What do you want to do today?" Garroth asked.

"I was thinking of just watching movies." Laurance said.

"Sounds good to me." Garroth said.

They finished eating and cleaned up. They then went to watch movies.

They watched Avengers Infinity War. And when they got done, they started to watch Endgame.

They were watching up until the part where hulk just came out of the stairs door. "HULK NO LIKE STAIRS!"

Suddenly, they heard a faint banging.

"What's that?" Garroth asked.

"I don't know. It could be Tatiana. Let's go check it out." Laurance suggested.

They got up and went to the door. When they got to the door the knocking got louder.

"Laurance, that's not knocking, that's pounding."

Suddenly, glass shattered and the door burst open. Officers and S.W.A.T teams came in the lodge.

Laurance turned to Garroth and grabbed his hand.

"Garroth run! Follow me!" Laurance yelled as the officers surrounded them.

They ran straight twords the blockade being formed infront of them. They pushed, struggled, and hit their way through and into the kitchen.

Laurance went over to the back wall and opened a hidden door, shoving Garroth inside, crawling in behind him.

"How'd you find this place?" Garroth asked.

"I've been exploring." Laurance said.

They sat in silence, listening to the police outside.

Laurance turned to Garroth.

"I have an idea." Laurance said.

"What?" Garroth asked.

"On 3 I'm going to run out and get their attention. Then, you run to the cabin and find Tatiana." Laurance explained.

"But you promised that you'd never leave me." Garroth said.

"And I won't." Laurance said.

Garroth nodded.

Laurance started to count. "One...... Two......."

"Laurance, wait." Garroth said grabbing his arm.

The Race (Check out the rewrite)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt