Make it fast

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Laurance watched as a guard opened the door. He came in and uncuffed Laurence.

When Laurance stood up, the guard hand cuffed his hands back together in front.

"It's only orders." Was all the guard said.

They went out and the guard led him to the boys locker room.

He handed Laurence an orange jumpsuit and took off his handcuffs. "Get changed and put your clothes in the white bin. Then go out the side door. There will be a guard to put some handcuffs back on."

Laurance just nodded. He went inside and got changed behind one of the curtains.

He put his old clothes in the bin he was supposed to. He was going to the door he was supposed to go out when he heard someone talk.

"Hey, new dude!" He heard a gruff voice say. He turned around and saw a man with two other men behind him. One of them looked like he had been badly beaten up.

They came up to Laurence.

"What do you losers want?" Laurance said.

This enraged the main dude.

"I'm Deadbuff. I'm in charge here. And I get what I want when I want." He said.

"What's with the tough boy act?" Laurance said. "Seems like you are just desperate for attention."

Deadbuff pushed Laurance down.

"You obviously need to know your place." Deadbuff growled.

Then he and his buddies started to beat him. Kicking and hitting. It hurt all over.

Better me with this than Garroth being expiramented on.


Nana opened her eyes slowly. The lights were bright every morning when they just popped on.

She felt Zane move her bangs out of her face.

"Morning beautiful." He said like he always did.

"Morning." she said back.

They got up and went down the ladder to the others.

"Heeeyyyyy love birds." Aphmau said.

"Be nice Aph." Travis said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm friends with crazy people."Katelyn said.

The door opened to the cell and the original officers were waiting.

They went to the door.

"Your eye is turning black." Katelyn whispered to Zane.

"Thanks for the warning. Keep Nana safe." Zane said.

Katelyn nodded and the boys and girls separated, following the guards.

The girls went in, got dressed and were just about to leave when they were cut off by some other women.

They weren't either of the girls with Deadbuff. Just some fellow prisoners.

"We saw you guys fight Deadbuff and his crew." One said.

"Ya! That was so cool." Said another one.

"Thanks." Aphmau said.

"We wish you luck that they won't look for revenge." Said another.

"Well what does luck help with in here?" Katelyn joked.

The others just smiled and let the girls through.

The boys were really not in the mood to take their time. They wanted to hurry so nothing happened.

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