Home Sweet Home and Explanations

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Upon getting back home everyone went to Travis and Dante's house to explain about the lodge and Starlight incidents.

*Time skip*

After hours of explaining to Laurence, Dante, and Katelyn about the events at the lodge (Garroth told Kawaii~chan about the lodge when the G.F. were looking for them) they all explained the Starlight situation to Laurence and Dante. They all took their time to explain, crying at all the hard times, when they hurt someone, or when someone died. By the end of the whole explanation there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"Wow," Dante said reverently "You guys, went, through a lot."

"We are all carrying a scar around with us that will never fade," Garroth said "Either mentally or physically" he said this pointing to his ears

"There is nothing wrong with your ears and tail Garroth," Kim assured him, smiling softly.

"Thanks Kim."

"We're going to have to recover from this over time." Katelyn said.

"Speaking of recovering," Kawaii~chan said "Zane~kun and I need to work on names. Let's go Zane~kun"

As they started to leave Kawaii~chan tripped and Zane helped her up giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Now that, is something that I never thought would happen in a million years." Laurence remarked.

"Lots of unbelievable things happened while we were there," Katelyn said with a frown and tears forming in her eyes.

Lucinda held her tight in a hug. "It's alright sweety, Travis is in good hands and with Aph on Starlight."

"I know," she sniffled

This ended up with Dante coming over to Katelyn taking Lucinda's arms off and hugging her in a loving hug.

"Travis will be ok. I might not know how he is right now, but as his best friend, I know that he will be ok" Dante said

They hugged for a minute longer and then let go.

"Thanks Dante. Do you mind if I sleep in Travis's room for a while?" Katelyn asked.

"I have no problems with that. You can stay in his room for as long as you need to feel better." Dante agreed.

"At least he has Aphmau with him, and she wasn't too bad when we left her." Kim said

"Wait, where does Kim live?" Asked Laurence

"I live in an apartment in town with Lilly." Kim answered

"Like Lilly from high school?" Dante asked

"Ya, she's still a butt tho." Garroth said

"Ok then."

"And just because of that, I asked Kim to move in with me. Saying, that I live alone, and it's going to be really quiet after everything that has happened." Lucinda said

"Which I have decided to take that offer" Kim said

Lucinda nodded "We could actually go and pack up your stuff right now of you want."


So they left to go pack Kim's stuff. Leaving Garroth, Dante, Katelyn and Laurence I'm the sitting room.

"I'll show you to Travis's room Katelyn," Dante said


This left Laurence and Garroth alone by themselves.

"Wanna go home Garroth?" Laurence suggested, "I bet you might just want to lay down in bed after all that happened at Starlight Wonderland." He said the wonderland part with sarcasm.

"Ya, I really do. And I could also use a jumbo sized meal, I'm starving!" Garroth stated.

"Well you can't eat all of the food in the house, but I can make you a big meal." Laurence offered.

"That would be great, thanks!"

"No problem bud."

A/N I will try to release chapters when possible. Hoping to do 1 or 2 chapters per day. I really hope that you are enjoying it so far, so let me know if it's good and I'll keep trying to update! 😁

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