Apologies- Laurence and Garroth

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"Hey Garroth, can, we, talk, please?" Laurence asked.

Garroth was a little nervous. Did he really want to apologise? He wished Zane had stayed in there with them. Despite all of his doubts he still allowed Laurence to talk.

"Sure." He said.

Laurence sat on the bed. He noticed all of the dibre on Garroth's floor. He made Garroth do this? He felt that bad? Crap!

They both stared at the floor.

"Hey, look," Laurence said, "I didn't mean what I said downstairs, I just, I'm still trying to understand. And I bet that you are still getting used to it."

Garroth keep looking at the ground. He knows that Laurence can have a temper, and tends to have a hard time understanding things he doesn't know anything about.

"Ya. Kind of." Garroth said.

"I, I didn't mean what I said." Laurence said, "I was just agitated."

"I know." Garroth said.

"I'm really, really sorry bro." Laurence apologized, "I I don't want anything to be awkward with our friendship."

"Agreed." Garroth said.

"Can, we, just forget this, please?" Laurence asked.

Garroth finally looked up at Laurence. His eyes read that he was worried about accepting the offer, but finally gave in.

"Ya, why not?" Garroth said.

They smiled at each other before Laurence held his arms open and Garroth hugged him, almost squishing him.

"Garroth... can't... breathe." Laurence breathed.

Garroth let go of Laurence. "Sorry buddy." He said, smiling. They sat there for a while just staring stupidity at one another.

*Outside of the room*

Zane left the room and closed the door. He stood by the door and made sure nothing happened. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He soon saw two pink meif'wa ears coming towards him.

"Hey Nana." Zane said.

"Hey Zane." Nana said.

"How was it downstairs?" Zane asked.

"Good. So, while you, Kim and Lucinda and Dante talked to the boys, Katelyn and I made a quick call, and Melissa is going to come over whenever she is free and help Garroth with his ears and tail." Nana informed him.

"That's great Nana!" Zane said.

She smiled at him. He was really the best person out of all that she had a crush on. She believed that nothing would break them apart, as long as they aren't clingy to each other and disrespectful to one another.

"I just don't want Garroth to be stuck at home all day." She said.

"Well I'm glad." Zane said, coming over and kissing her cheek.

After a while of waiting Zane poked his head into Garroth's room. The two were smiling stupidly at each other. Zane went in. He wasn't happy with Laurence, but they seemed to have made up so he went in with a small smirk.

"Glad that's all settled." He said.

Nana came in after Zane.

"Kawaii~chan is glad that you two have made up." She said.

"We did. And we are all good now." Laurence said.

"Well, Garroth~kun, Melissa~chan is going to come over whenever she is free and teach you how to put away your ears and tail." Kawaii~chan said.

"Really? That's great!" Garroth said.

"Yep." She said.

"Now, let's go back down stairs to the others." Zane said.

So they went downstairs. And after everything was cleared up, everyone left to do today's plans.

As for Garroth and Laurence, they decided to just watch some movies.

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