Moving- Kim and Lucinda

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As Kim and Lucinda were driving to Kim's apartment they talked about which room Kim would like to have.

"I would really like to have the room across from yours." Kim said

"We could arrange that." Lucinda agreed, nodding her head.

Soon they got to Kim's apartment and went inside using her key. As they entered they were met face to face with a very angry Lilly.

"Kim! Where have you been? It's gotten sooooo dirty since you left. You said you'd be gone for a few weeks but it's been more than a month!" Yelled Lilly. "I need you to start cleaning, now!"

"In your wildest dreams, Lilly." Kim said stiffly.

Lilly was taken back. Kim had never rejected Lilly so openly. She glared at her with icy cold eyes.


"What makes you think that you can talk to Kim and I like that! That's rude and disrespectful you b****!" Yelled Emmalyn, taking over "Wow! I am glad to finally get that off my chest." She said this while glaring at Lilly.

Of course Lilly didn't know about Ghost. She didn't ever meet her. She had stayed quiet during the time between the lodge and Starlight. So Lilly thought that Kim had started to talk in 3rd person.

"Emmalyn!" Lucinda said, "Calm down."

"How can I calm down when this hussy thinks that she can boss Kim and I around!" Emmalyn said, getting angrier as she talked.

"Emmalyn!" Kim yelled, "Calm down, your scaring Lilly!"

As she said this Lilly was looking with a horrified expression.

"Ugg, fine!" Emmalyn said.

"Good, now let me stay in control!" Kim commanded.

There was no objection from Emmalyn. So Lucinda and Kim turned to face Lilly.

"Lilly," Kim said calmley, "I'm going to be moving in with Lucinda, so that means that YOU will have to clean for yourself from now on!"

"W-w-who were y-you talking to Kim!?" Lilly asked.

"No one you need to know." Lucinda said, "know let's go get you packing Kim."

With the help of some of Lucinda's spells, they managed to pack all of Kim's stuff and get it into the car. All the while Lilly was watching them with a glare. After double checking that they didn't forget any of Kim's stuff they got in the car and left.

*Time skip to when they get back to Lucinda's house*

"Do you want to wait until tomorrow to get your stuff out of the car?" Lucinda asked.

"Sure, why not."

So they went into the house and went to their bed rooms to bed. Lucinda, being the biggest sleeper I'm the whole street fell asleep almost instantly. But Kim and Emmalyn stayed awake for a couple of minutes to talk about what should go where In the bedroom before finally falling asleep for the night.

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