Episode 25: Q&A

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A/N: A lot of stuff has happened since I published this Q&A around the end of February 2020. As such, some of the questions and answers have become outdated. Just letting y'all know why that is whenever y'all stumble upon some of the aforementioned quirks in the Q&A. Thanks for understanding.


"What's up, dudes! Welcome to the 50☆Stars Q&A 2—Electric Boogaloo! I'm your host, America. Joining me in answering your questions are my 50 States and Washington D.C."

The audience cheers and whistles in excitement.

America smiles. "Without further ado, let's get this Q&A started!"


"The first question goes to...me!" America gasps. "Holy shit! Thanks, DanielaCruz918, for the question. I'll be happy to answer it." He clears his throat. "They ask: Do I know Popham Colony?" His forehead sweats slightly. "Um... I think that's in New England, right?"

"That's correct." Massachusetts nods.

"Well, I don't know them. Do you know them?"

"Not really. Plymouth told me back in the colonial days Popham was born before us, but they disappeared before their first birthday."

"Um..." Maine shifts awkwardly in her seat. "I've seen Popham a few times back then. They seem rather quiet and lonely. Yet, they always disappear before I get close to ask them anything."

"I see. To sum things up, none of us know Popham very well," America laughs jokingly.

"I'm not sure that's a good thing or a bad thing..." Massachusetts mutters.

~ Hetalia... ~

"Next question goes to California! FoxGamer429 wonders: What are your thoughts on Nevada?"

California chortles, "He's the perfect bad boy."

"Bad boy?" Nevada gives her a dumbfounded look.

"Totally!" She brings out a pen and a checklist on a clipboard. "Stoic? Check. Silent? Check. Wears black leather jackets? Check. Owns a motorcycle or a cool-looking car? He has both, so that's a double checkmark right there. Criminal record? Definitely."

"You know, I'm more than a stereotype..."

America coughs into his fist, interrupting the Californian from finishing her list. "This isn't a question, but personwithnolaifu has this to say: Cali, we all know you like Nevada. Ask him out puss—"

"Don't call me a pussy!" she huffs. "First off, Nevada isn't the only person I like. Even if I want to, say, date him or any of the states, they always put me in the friend zone which is so lame! I don't get why they don't want to date me. I'm fucking hot."

"Yeah, but you're also bothersome."

"And entitled."

"And shameless."

"Don't forget irresponsible."

She gives her fellow states repulsive looks. "Can you, like, stop attacking me?"

~ Uncool! ~

"akOOHLAALAAA has some questions for Delaware to answer. Their first question: During the New Sweden days all those years ago, were you the personification of the Swedish colony? If so, were you ever intimidated or feel a certain type of relation by the others in that general area at that time? Examples include Virginia, New Haven colony, Maryland, New Netherland, etcetera."

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