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Usually I'd be like how do I know you're not trying to kidnap me and sell me into sex trafficking but I'd honestly do anything to get away from my parents.

"Mom I'm going on tour with some girl that I met" this doesn't even sound right.

"Are you having sex with her too" my mom asks looking like she was about to cry.

"Omg mom just because I'm into girls doesn't not mean I'm sexually attracted to every girl I see"

"Well my bad y/n it's hard to keep up with all your sins"

"Are you trying to call me a slut"

"The Bible directly says that men do not sleep with another man"

"Well I'm not a man mom I'm a woman" I say packing my stuff up. She's so dramatic. It's really not that big of deal and it's not like I can help it.

"Well whatever lgbtq event this is I don't want my daughter to be apart of it" she says coming in my room.

"It's not some lgbtq event. God why don't you listen. I'm simply going on tour with an artist. I can save up and leave here" I say pulling my luggage out from under my bed.

"You're trying to move away" my mom says looking worried.

"Yes mom. I've been saving up to move for 2 years now. You and dad are making all this money yet you won't help me out all because I'm gay" I say yelling at her.

"Don't you dare say that word in this household" my mom says yelling back at me.

"Exactly why I'm moving" I say now just throwing everything in my dresser and closet into the luggage.

"You know what? Whatever thing your leaving for don't come back. By the time you're back I want of this packed up and you can forget ever coming back"

"Are you serious" I say really shocked.

"You can come back when you're done going through this sinful faze of yours" she slams the door.

I'm so fucking like so fucking done on so many levels. Instead of just packing a few clothes I end up packing everything I own. I can pack all of my stuff up before I leave. I call my girlfriend because honestly why not. "Hey do you think you can over for a minute" I ask her.

"That depends if your mom is gonna try to kill me like last time" she says laughing.

"Naw it's a one time thing" I say laughing back. "Are you coming though because I really need your help"

"Yeah I'm walking to my car now"

"Ok I'll see you when you get here. Love you"

"Love you too"

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