christmas proposals

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lee felix

it was a just normal christmas day.

felix was on the bed with you in his arms, watching a full season of spongebob because honestly, why not spend christmas like this with the love of your life right?

felix combs your hair with his fingers soothingly, mumbling sweet nothings from time to time and pressing small, light kisses on the top of your head.

"i wish we could stay like this forever" felix mumbles, pouting and pressing his cheek against the top of your head. you laughed, reaching a hand up to pat his cheek.

you two stay in bed for awhile, before felix insists on going outside and playing in the snow. once you two were out, wearing warm and comfy clothes, it was. chaos.

felix runs around the house, aiming to hit you with the snowball he created. it went like that for hours, you and felix just running around flinging snowballs at each other.

it was amazing.

the sun then starts to set and you and felix lay in the snow at your backyard, watching the sun as it sets and you couldn't help but to stare at your boyfriend, how the soft golden light from the sun made him look so soft and beautiful and —

"marry me, [y/n]"

you mouth gaped and you blinked, while felix, on the other hand, proceeds to watch the sun as it now disappears completely. "will you? stay with me, forever?"

before you even knew it, felix was already sitting up and looking down at you, the softest smile gracing his cute lips and the light from the moon gave him a light glow and oh — his freckles really do resemble the stars huh?

"yes. i will, lee felix."

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