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You won't find me in the same spot
Believe me I could never stop
My life's turned upside down
~ A Day To Remember, The Downfall of Us All 

Avril's POV

I never realized how much I have changed since leaving Will and calling off our relationship before our trip to Switzerland.

Thank god for that, we both would have been sucked into a strained relationship entirely controlled by my parents.

"Is there a point to this call, Anthony, or are just doing mommy and daddy's dirty work once again?" The line is silent as I wait for Anthony to answer.

I had been talking with Kia and Marcus about leaving the grounds to get coffee and maybe wander around Tampa for a few hours.

None of us have been to Tampa unless it was catching a cruise.

Kia and Marcus looked at each other with annoyance when I told them who was calling me.

We have gotten used to Anthony being a puppet and always ratting on us for everything under the sun.

"Av, I just want to talk." I can hear the hesitance in his voice as if there is something he is hiding from us.

"About what? You haven't talked to me for more than a year. You wouldn't even acknowledge me after I announced that I was moving. So excuse me if I don't want to hear what you want to say. You didn't let me explain my reasoning."

"I don't want us to fight; you and Marcus are my siblings."

"We are your only siblings."

"No, you're not... dad got his assistant pregnant twenty-five years ago. We have another sister." I sit there in shock as I look at Marcus and Kia.

We had another sister?

Dad wasn't as perfect as he acted.

This shouldn't even be that shocking, considering he didn't come home till 2 in the morning, and my mom played it off as work.

Mom was messing around with the pool boys and her trainer, why wouldn't dad be?

We all knew that the marriage was made out of convenience and business, much like how Will and I were going to be.

"Why are you calling me then? You deal with it." Marcus and Kia are no help as they sit there in complete shock.

"Put it on speakerphone." Kia mouths to me.

"One sec Anthony, I'm putting you on speakerphone."

"Who are you with?" His voice fills the bus as the three of us crowd around the phone.

"Kia and Marcus are here. We were about to head out and get ice coffee before you called."

"Why are they with you?"

"They wanted to see the last few shows before the tour is done, this is the last year."

Anthony is silent, probably thinking about the summers we spent soaking in the sun listening to Metric and counting down the days to Warped.

Those are the moments I try to remember when I think back on the times with Anthony and not the days of nagging and put-downs because I couldn't be the golden child he was.

"Is it done this year?" He asks after a bit.

"What have you been doing? Living under a rock since your parents brainwashed you?" Kia asks, getting annoyed with Anonthy, "I don't see why we are still talking to you since you told us about your dad's secret daughter. None of us are surprised or care about it."

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