"I'll try." I replied. I focused my chakra to my eyes and pictured how the eyes looked like. Once I had it I opened my eyes and was able to see the people as if I was standing next to them.

"What is it?" I heard Sasuke say. I focused my eyes on him.

"Well, we've got an important order from lord Orochimaru. The last and finally one..." The guy with two heads said.

"I'm asking what the hell that is?!" Sasuke shouted.

"You must 'die' once" The guy replied.

"You're telling me to die once?" Sasuke answered annoyed.

"Seishingan, I'll have you drink this." Two heads said taking out a same bottle.

"Seishingan? 'The hell is that?" Sasuke asked.

Looks like I wasn't the only one who didn't know. I said to myself.

"Your current cursed seal is that level 1. That pill will forcefully increase the curse's level to level 2." A girl with pink hair said.

"However..." I said.

"However what?" Shukaku questioned.

"Remember that I was with Orochimaru for awhile?" I asked him.

"Yeah, so what?" Son Gokū said.

"If I remember correctly, the level 2 seal will dramatically increase its contamination speed. And if you don't act fast the person will die." I explained.

"How do you remember something like that child." Matatabi said.

"I remembered that Ino's dad had been going through my memories. In one of them I heard Orochimaru explaining it to me." I said.

"Then why don't you have the cursed mark?" Son Gokū asked.

"I don't know? I thought it had something to do with you guys." I said to them. I closed my eyes then leaned against the tree.

"However, in order to control the level 2 power, the body needs time to adjust to it. In other words, the person needs to at least 'die' once or a temporary coma." I explained.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard Sasuke scream. I looked back at him and noticed that he had taken the seishingan. The people with him were putting him inside a barrier and sealing him.


"Alright, step one complete." Two heads said.

"Sasuke!" I shouted as I jumped off the branch.

"Well, what do we have here." Two heads said.

"Sasuke! What did you guys do to him?!" I shouted at them.

"Oi! Kimi! Calm down before you lose control." Kurama said but I ignored him.

"Answer me!" I shouted at them.

"Wait, white hair, ocean blue eyes, short temper, you're Rin the girl Orochimaru had as his experiment." Two heads said.

"So what if I am, what are you going to do?" I said.

"Take you back to lord Orochimaru of course." The girl said grabbing me by my hair.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I shouted struggling to get free.

"Not a chance punk!" She said tying my hands behind my back.

"Walk." Two heads said pushing me in front of him.

"What now guys?!" Saiken shouted.

"Kurama, Shukaku, can you guys help her out?" Matatabi said.

"No, I'm fine. I'll attack them once they lower their guard."I said.

We kept waking for hours. We would stop from time to time because I would 'trip on accident' and fall to the ground. I tried to gain more time for I could attack them.


"Hey kid! Stop tripping already. This is the tenth time you've done it." Fatso said.

"Well sorry I can't walk correctly but your lord made me this way." I argued back.

"You're getting on my nerves punk." Miss Bossy said.

I looked away from them to look at the pail. I leaned my head on it and took a deep breath.

"Sasuke, I'm scared." I whispered to him. "Please, stop this. Please, lets go back to the village."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Six arms said.

"Nothing to do with you that's for sure." I replied.

"Dammit! This means trouble." Two heads said.

"One... no two of them." Miss Bossy said.

"They're coming!" Six arms shouted.

All of them jumped in front of me and formed a simi circle. I was confused at first but then I saw Genma and Raidou jump out of nowhere.

"Genma! Raidou! Help us!" I shouted at them.

"Shut up punk!" Miss Bossy shouted.

"On your way from the Leaf Village eh... what's inside the pail?" Genma said.

"It's Sasuke! He's inside that thing!" I shouted only to be kicked by Miss Bossy. She made me hit a tree behind me then continued with what she was doing. I was able to see the cursed marks on them.

I sat there watching as they beat the life out of Genma and Raidou. I wanted to help but I couldn't do anything. I just need to wait for the right time.

"Come punk, let's get going." Miss Bossy said picking me up by my hair.

As we continued walking I felt a sharp pain in my head. It hurt so much that I fell to the ground and started to scream in pain.

"What's wrong with her?!" Six arms shouted.

"She's been fighting the mark for so long that she finally gave up." Two heads said.

"AAAHHHHHHHH! IT BURNS! DO SOMETHING!" I shouted twisting all around the ground.

"Hey Fatso! Put her in there with Sasuke." Miss Bossy said.

"We can't do that. If we open it up Sasuke will die." I heard Two heads said.

"Aura...... protect....." I was finally able to say. I made my hand signs then my barrier started to cover me. I was finally able to calm down and breathe slowly.

"What.... was...... that?" I asked.

"It doesn't have to do with the mark." Matatabi said.

"What.... is... it?" I asked.

"There's something else inside you beside us but for some reason it hasn't been acting up until now." She explained.

"Hey Fatso, carry her as well." Six arms said.

Someone, anyone, help.

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