To Hogwarts and a tagger

Start from the beginning

Harry: Looks like the feast is about to start head to your table guys.

(Y/N): Ok see ya later pal.

Dumbledore: Let the feast begin!

We see you and Hope sitting in the Slytherin common room after dinner.

(Y/N): We better keep an eye on Malfoy I have a bad feeling he'll try something stupid.

Hope: And we better find a safe place for my bag so no one can steal it.

???: I'd recommend giving it to your boyfriend I hear he can keep your bag safe.

You looked to see it was a blonde girl in Harry's year.

(Y/N): And you are?

Tracey: I'm Tracey I'm good friends with Harry.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) and that's Hope.

Hope: Well thanks for the advice. And we were just wondering where to put it up in to keep Malfoy from getting it.

(Y/N): Yeah, we ran into that guy a few days ago we were looking for supplies and he try to force me to hand over an outfit my dad made for me.

Hope: And he tried to flirt with me! *gags*

(Y/N): That dude doesn't take a hint.

Tracey: *whispers* I'd recommend your trunk but I'd put an invisibility charm on it if I were you.

(Y/N): Thanks, and I'll be sure to put a lock on that trunk.

You then hear a faint whisper coming from the mask inside Hope's bag

Mask: Put me on.

(Y/N): Did you guys hear that?

Hope: Hear what?

(Y/N): It came from your bag a voice was saying "put me on"?

Hope: You don't think that mask is trying to get you to put it on?

(Y/N): I don't know for now let's put it up, before Mr snobby gets here.

You then put the bag in your trunk as you locked it up and did an invisible charm on it.

Mask: Put me on!

(Y/N): Look I know I said I would use that mask for an emergency maybe I can put it on for just a test drive.

*Insert Jim Carrey trying on the mask*

Hope: Are you sure it's a good idea? At this hour?

(Y/N): Who knows for all we know this could just be a piece of wood and I'll just use it for a little bit and put it back.

Mask: Atta boy! I won't bite!

(Y/N): Ok I'm gonna put it one for at least five minutes and put it up and no one will know.

You bring the mask closer to your face and it jumps onto your face in a second as it molds itself around your head as you began to spin around like a tornado as hope and Tracey took cover as you stopped spinning as you were seen wearing a Yellow tuxedo as your head was green and you had on a yellow hat.

(Y/N): Ssssmokin!

You then zipped close to Hope.

(Y/N): Hello nurse!

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