Theos broke away from my lips, kissing along my jaw and down my neck, focusing on the sensitive skin of his mark, suckling on the soft skin.

"Oh god," I moaned, gripping his hair tighter causing an approving growl to rumble in his chest.

He skimmed his sharp canines over his mark teasingly, causing me to buck and squirm under him,
I couldn't handle the anticipation.

He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

There was too much fabric separating us,
too hot.

I tugged at the bottom of Theos' shirt, mumbling a brief, "Off."
Before he complied, pulling it over his head and letting it wall to the spongy woodland earth.

His lips met mine again, my hands exploring along his muscled chest,
Every line of taught muscle, every contour.

It was all mine...

Theos' hands wondered down my body until it reached the hem of my shirt, briskly removing it from my body as he had done his own.

Chest to chest.
Skin to skin.
The very contact I craved that could numb the pain.

He growled in approval as his impossibly dark eyes wondered down my naked body, drinking in everything about my appearance.

Black as a winter night, contrast against the soft summer glow that peaked from over the tree tops as the sunlight slowly began to fade.

In one fluid movement he lifted me, instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lowered us gently to the earth.

He lowed his head to gently kiss the skin of my chest, leaving lingering kisses in a trail that led from the top of my chest to the bottom of my navel. I squirmed at the feeling of his weight on me, pressing into my core.

My breaths were ragged and heaving, I was done with teasing, I just wanted Theos.
-And I wanted him now.

His kisses lingered, lowering to the inside of my thigh, tantalising close, but not quite close enough.

"Theos please." I begged, squirming from anticipation, unable to control the hot throbbing ache that consumed my core.

I felt him smirk against my skin, before returning to kiss my lips with just as much want as before, I subconsciously wrapped my legs around his waist, before dropping my hands from his hair to hurriedly unbuckle his jeans.

I struggled with trying to unbuckle them for a few seconds in my haste before Theos stopped to help me, effortlessly unbuckling them and removing them, leaving him in only boxers, his large member straining against the fabric as my pants were torn from my body, my naked legs pressing against the earth.

He nibbled gently on my earlobe, making me release a breathy moan, and tightening my legs grip around his waist, pulling out cores closer together.

I whimpered as his covered length brushed against my centre, bucking my hips to try and repeat the contact.

His hands wondered my body, one hand stopping to knead my left breast whilst the other continued to travel down,

I gasped as one of his fingers brushed against my wet core.

A sensation I had never felt before that can only be described as ecstasy, followed by the intense heat that already pooled in the apex between my legs increasing.

I wrapped my hands further into his hair, pulling his lips firmly against mine, and let out a loud moan as his finger swept at my entrance once more.

"You can tell me to stop at any point." He whispered, his breathing heavy and his lips were slightly swollen pink.

"Don't." I groaned.

And with that, he slid a finger slowly into me, I moaned loudly and increasing my grip on his hair, pulling tightly on the silky strands, causing Theos to growl in approval against my lips as he slowly started to pump his finger inside of me.

I gasped again, throwing my head back in pleasure as he inserted a second finger, and then a third.

It was more pleasure in a single moment then I had ever experienced before, and I revelled in it.

Savouring every moment.

Theos pumped his fingers at a punishingly slow pace, making me buck my hips against his fingers, trying to gain speed, I looked up to see him smirking slightly, he seemed to be enjoying my struggle.

"We go at my speed, is that understood?" He asked, slowly removing his fingers, I watched him carefully as he stealthily removed his boxers, my eyes widening at the size of his hard member.

As if sensing my nervousness Theos asked, "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded slightly, "I'm sure." I strangled out the words, desire leaving my voice thick as I blinked out of my lust fuelled haze.

With my short, sharp breaths, flushed cheeks and violent grip on his strong biceps I couldn't imagine that he didn't know that I wanted him with everything I had, and not just because of my heat, but because I genuinely loved him.
My thrumming pulse was already a testament to my mounting pleasure.
Theos' hands roamed my body, desperate to feel every curve and plane. He was grateful and I took it all, nothing wavering as I held on, my hands fisting his hair, growing more and more desperate for my banked release.
His hands slid to the top of my legs, locking them in a fierce clutch to keep me in place, "I love you so much." He murmured against my lips, positioning himself at my entrance.

I needed him, his touch was the only way to slake this consuming burn. I gasped as he entered me, ripping a hoarse scream of joy from my throat. I had no time to adjust to the intrusion, no time to think. His hips, pistoning, set up a gentle rhythm, his rigid column dragging over my rippling core muscles. Every thrust rocked the extended bud between the lips of my core, as the rhythm slowly increased until it was hard and fast, filling me completely with every thrust.

My eyes met Theos' in the throws of our passion, He was magnificent, perfectly crafted.
He pulled my lips to his, our tongues swirling desperately against each other.

Our discordant breaths mingling in the air that was clouded by lust.
Gasping and frantic we tipped then fell. Hurtling, unstoppable we shared a frenetic race towards a spectacular finish, pulsing together. His sweat slicked chest blanketed my fevered back.
We both reached out peaks at the same time as I was gripped in the throws of the waves of pleasure, I let them lull over me, washing me, cleansing me.

Screaming out my pleasure as Theos spilled his hot seed inside of me with one final thrust before rolling off of me to lay beside me.

I sighed, unconsciously curling into Theos' arm when he rolled onto his side, pulling me into his spooning form, and for once I didn't fight what came so naturally to us.

I just let us... be.. just the way that nature had intended.

We lay quietly, both processing in our own way, the only sound being our ragged breaths.

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