Chapter 2: Nikove Romanoff

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Smelling the yard, I got a heavy whiff, something died here recently, a man, old, he bled for a few days. Rotted.

Lifting my nose into the snow, I gave it a light lick, tasting that it had just begun to snow.

The scent of something else lingered in the air, heavy with a sweetness of berries and a salty bit of chicken.

Slowly moving past the snow and to the wood fence, I let the wooden planks brush against my pelt, the fur grazing ice from it as I crept quietly.

My eyes caught on the girl, her words going on and on, Dimitri seemed almost amused as he watched her.

'She smells so strong'

Turning my attention to Ava, I let her rub the white of her muzzle into my fur before she brushed up beside me.

'I think we could stay.'

The brown fur moved past us, staring through the wooden fence, Kyro sniffed the air, shutting his eyes and watching the woman as she stumbled through the snow in shoes that were not snow compatible.

As the girl left, the woman came back and I heard Dimitri and Gigi talk quietly to her. They would buy the home.


I'm tired of traveling all over the country searching for a place to settle. It's time the pack get a rest and break from running.


Ava shut her eyes, moving herself under my chin, nuzzling into me and letting out a few soft breathes from her nose. They came out in visible white hues, a reminder that the cold here won't ever be a problem.

This was home.

"Careful with my dishes Mikael!" Gianna shouted with aggravation, that only made Mikael pretend to lose balance, earning him a scold.

Heading back to the truck, I grabbed the nearest box, smelling the lingering scent of Oklahoma, an old life and old time I'd rather not remember.

Turning, I made my way out the truck, smirking as Ava smacked my back jean pocket and gave me a wink. Her eyes always reminded me of fall, the auburn beauty of leaves falling, letting us know relief was on its way, winter would arrive.

I checked her out unapologetically, grinning purposefully as I did it.

The sound of cursing and laughing came from the street, I watched the girl stand and pat the snow from her jeans, she'd laughed at herself for falling and then cursed the sidewalk before bringing a stack of mail up her driveway. She was so studious as she flipped through the bills, her lips moving carefully as she read each envelope.

She smelt of pancakes and syrup this morning, different from the chicken and berries of last time.

A nudge came from behind me and I glanced back at Ava who peered her head over my shoulder, eyeing the girl over, "She smells better today." She teased.

I smirked and headed inside the home, the sounds of everyone claiming rooms came and I was the last, that meant I got the downstairs room.

Taking the boxes labeled 'Niko' on them, I began unpacking and listening to Ava Tell Dimitri she was old enough to sleep wherever she wanted.

Im guessing she wants to share a room.

Thankfully, I'm a lot quicker than her and made sure Dimitri wouldn't cave and let her stay in my room. She's a great girl, I'll probably marry her some day, but a guy needs his space.

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