Chapter 2: Nikove Romanoff

Start from the beginning

Everyone was staring, mostly because this is a small town, they're not used to strangers and I respect that.

I sat down at the booth and got squished between Petra and Ava.

"I'm pregnant, I get more food." Petra said with a small grin.

Dimitri laughed and gave a nod, "Anything you want, Petra." He agreed while she leaned back and waggled her brows at Luca. He kissed her nose and handed her a menu.

The waiter looked us over, "You guys are definitely the new neighbors. Welcome to the town." He said with the kind of face that said he was a jock around here.

I could tell by the way he kept smirking and grinning at every girl who walked by or said hi.

We all got our drinks and I took note of his name-tag: 'ABEL'.

Glancing over the menu, I picked the avocado burger and fries but replaced them for Onion rings since Ava wanted my side.

The presence of us soon became less shocking and people went back to their conversations, every once and a while someone would come by and welcome us to the town before leaving.

Dimitri was a friendly guy, he managed to make friends with everyone that came by here. Got himself a bunch of cards with contact numbers for things too.

As the door swung open, letting in a gust of the cool winter air inside, it brought with it the scent of berries and paint.

Her laugh was soft and I felt a kick under the table. I matched eyes with Kyro who smirked and moved his eyes from the two girls and that blonde woman from before, over to me.

I ignored him and smiled down at Ava who was reading how many carbs her dinner had in it.

She gave me a quick kiss and focused back on the words while I let my eyes wander to the girl.

The waiter, Abel, was leaning against the counter grinning at her. His eyes running to her breast every time she looked away from his face.

I watched Abel nod and disappear behind a door before the two girls gave each other a hug. The auburn haired girl waved and headed behind the door that Abel went through and I noticed the similarity she had with the waiter. They even smelt the same, they must be siblings.

The girl had paint on her face and neck, over her hands and fingertips too. She even had a bit of the blue and yellow paint in her hair.

"Veta, make sure to tell Abe to get three not one!" The blonde woman said before going to a booth and sitting down. I watched her place a folder down and begin to open it, looking over paperwork.

Dimitri eyed her carefully, "Hopefully she doesn't notice us." He said to Gianna who nodded in agreement.

I stared back at Veta, noting her grey sweatpants and big puffer jacket with the faux fur on her hood.

The waiter came out and held two trays of food, moving past Veta and to our table.

He placed our food down and Gianna asked for ranch before he gave a nod and hurried back to the kitchen.

When he came back, he still had no ranch, he went to two other tables and I watched Dimitri stand and go to the front counter, standing right beside Veta.

With my wolf hearing, I could hear their every word, "He has the mental capacity of a dog. Was it ranch?" Veta asked and Dimitri gave a small smile and a 'yes'.

I watched her move past the counter and go behind the door, a few seconds later she came out with two little dipping bowls of what smells like ranch.

Dimitri gave her a small smile and nod before taking them and thanking her as he walked back over.

He sat and Gianna stared at Veta carefully, "She seems sweet." She said thoughtfully.

Ava smirked, "She always smells like food." She commented low.

I eyed Ava and she caught my stare, "What? She does." She said shrugging.

It's true, but the way Ava said it was rude.

Looking back at Veta, I watched her take a tray from Abel and walk it over to a table. The table smiled at her, happy to see her face.

She seemed so delicate, too delicate for my taste.

The waiter gave her hip a small squeeze and she gave him an annoyed look while telling him to make sure there's ranch with her food or she'll kick his ass.

I smirked a bit and focused down on my food, noting I had no fries since Ava made me get onion rings and took those.

Veta sat down and began eating while telling, who I found was named Zelda, about how long her suspension was.

Kyro seemed intrigued and Anya gave him an elbow to the ribs, "Stop being weird, don't listen if they don't want you to." She muttered.

Mikael grinned down at his girlfriend and nodded to Kyro, "She's right." He said quietly.

Anya nodded, "I'm always right, don't forget that." She added as she handed Petra a plate with her bacon on it.

I decided not to tune into Veta the rest of the night, it felt a bit perverted to do so.

But I didn't stop myself from checking her out as she walked out calling bye to Abel.

I can't figure out if they're a thing.


Authors Note:

thank you for the read, I hope you enjoyed up to now. This story will be full of love, laughter and sadness. If you know my other works, then I'm sure you'll understand.

This story will begin updates September 1, 2020.

I hope you save it to your library for when the time comes. Thank you, XOXO

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