I removed my hands from his shoulders and I stepped forward and I squeezed myself between him and the desk

That made him freeze

I took that opportunity to sit on his lap

I didn't bother turning to see his reaction

I leaned forward and my hands touched the keyboard

I felt his hand grip my waist to stop me from falling over

"What should I type?" I asked

I thought he was going to speak until he finally spoke "your proposal has been accepted'

I nodded and I typed that

"We will be waiting to see you on Monday at 9:00 am prompt, Singned Kashim Buildings LTD"

I typed it and when I was done I turned to him "that's it?"

He nodded "if you have waited a minute more I would have been done"

"Oh well, will you  take me to the supermarket now?" I asked with a cheeky smile

He didn't answer me but I knew the silence was a yes

He turned off the laptop and I stood up from his lap to let him stand up

I went out of the study with him behind me

I went out of the house and Umar shortly followed me

We walked to where the cars were parked and we entered his black Mercedes

He started the car once we were both seated

"I feel like this is your favorite car" I said as he drove towards the gate

"It is"

"I'm right then" I said while waving at the security man who waved at me as we went out the gate

"Where is it?" He asked

"Turn left" I said

"Are You talking about that one with the red roof?" He asked

I looked at him and I nodded

"I know it"

Within seven minutes we reached the supermarket

He passed me his credit card and he told me the pin

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked when I realized he didn't have any intention of leaving the car

"What do you mean?"

"You're supposed to come with me"

"Im not coming with you, buy what you want and let's go"

"You are coming with me"

He chose to ignore me and he brought out his phone

This guy isn't serious

"Why don't want you want to come with me?"

"I don't like crowded places"

"I can swear there aren't up to 30 people inside that place, the people in your office are like x5 of them"

"I'm still not coming"

"Haba Umar" (c'mon)

"I'm going to leave if you don't want to go in"

I groaned "fine, you'll pay for making me go alone"

I went out of the car and I entered the store

In about thirty minutes I came out of the store with plastic bags in my hand with a guy following me with some in his hands

Umar opened the car trunk and we dropped the bags inside

I entered the car and Umar started it

I handed him his credit card and he shook his head

I frowned at him

"You can keep it"
he said

"Oh...Thank you"

We stopped at a hold up just I turned the radio on

I almost screamed when I heard lower body by Davido playing

That song is my latest obsession

Of course I started screaming it in the highest voice I could "keep on rocking, keep on rocking, got money in Miami-.."

I stopped when an idea came to my head

I was already laughing in my head as I continued singing eagerly waiting for the chorus

"-..please so baby please don't tease me, Umar dance for me, with your lower body, Umar dance for me, oya give me body, oya move for me, with your lower body, Baby dance for me with your lower body"

When I turned to see the expression on his face I literally lost it, I had never laughed as hard as I did at that moment, I was literally gasping for air

The expression on his face literally said 'kina neman bulala'

I covered my hand with my mouth to suppress the laugh that was getting out of control as I turned to look at Umar who was casually looking at the road but I could see the glimpse of the small smile on his lips

That immediately seized my laughter because of how cute he looked

I don't know what came over me but I moved towards him and I placed a kiss on his cheek

I moved back to my seat just as he turned to look at me probably with that confused adorable face

I didn't look up at him as I brought out my phone to distract me from the heat I felt on my cheeks and the gaze I felt on me


How are you all doing?

Hameeda is something else 😂😭❤️❤️

Love,  M🔌

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