Chapter 28: Last Time

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CHAPTER 28: Last Time

The week following the Olympics was actually busier than the two weeks spent at the Olympics. The busiest person on my team was probably our very own captain, not only was there a bunch of events, such as parades and sport events, but there was also a few interviews.

I had refused a lot of events, just to try and keep my mind on school for a little while. I only agreed to one sport event, and that was a sens game, where we only greeted the crowd and basically showed off our medals. I was after all Canadian, and they were the people I represented. I owed it to them for all of their support. And it was right in Ottawa.

Event though, I had refused a lot of things, I still had a lot of alone interviews during the week. I had a few of them with my teammates, but altogether, I had over 10 interviews in that week. It was almost scary but I didn’t let the thought of it bother me. The worst was already done. That was the truth.

I inhaled deeply, forcing myself to keep my eyes open as I continued forwards. Walking through the halls of all the locker rooms one last time made me realize how much I was gonna miss this place, and how close it’ll stay to my heart from now on. My first Olympic experience was a very hard and painful one, but I’ve learned great things and met great people. And I’ve got a medal to prove it.

I looked down at my phone, and I still had a half hour till I needed to head to the airport. I was going to knock on the American team’s door but they would not be happy to see me. I waited by the door and took in a deep breath, simply letting my eyes close unwillingly. I was so excited yet so exhausted.

“Rose?” Someone shook me, and my eyes opened slowly.

Sid was bent over me, and he sighed in relief. “Thank god you were just asleep.”

Just behind him, were John, Eric and even Scott. I got up quickly and gave Sid a hug, only able to put one arm around him though. I didn’t even think about what time it was, I just wanted to hug them. I was so happy for them. “Congratulations guys!”

He smiled and I pulled away, looking over at John, Eric and Scott, hugging all of them and wishing them congratulations, and finishing on Scott. He smiled down at me, “You know, you aren’t like any other female player I’d ever met before.”

I chuckled, “I hope that’s a good thing.”

“Of course.” He smiled, resting a hand on my shoulder. “You’ll go far, kid.”

I smiled, “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”

He smiled and walked away, leaving me with the other guys. “Oh my god! How are you guys feeling? You got gold?”

They laughed at me, while I stared at their gold medals around their necks. John smiled at me, “It feels amazing.”

“Yeah, it does!” I high-fived him and laughed, throwing myself in his arms. He was caught off guard for a second, but his arms went slowly around me, rubbing my back, feeling his laugh in my ears. I pulled away from him, looking at all of them. “Are you guys all going to the closing ceremony?”

They all nodded, and Eric saw something change in my expression. “Aren’t you going?”

I grimaced, I obviously couldn’t avoid that question. “Well… no. What time is it, anyways?”

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