Chapter 6: Trying To Forget

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CHAPTER 6: Trying To Forget

I was sound asleep in one of the seats in the lobby of the hospital. I hadn’t seen Nick since that morning and it was already pass noon. I was so afraid and worried, but I didn’t dare show it. John and Sid had stayed through the whole morning and a few of the other guys on the team came by as well, but left soon after.

“Hey, Rose?” Someone shook me gently.

My eyes opened slowly and the first face I can focus on is Toews. I straightened up in my chair and looked over at Sid that was right behind him. All the others had left, I guess, because the last time I was awake, most of the Canadian team were waiting with us. “Is he okay? Can I go see him?”

John bit his lip, and shook his head. “Sorry, I just thought you would be hungry.”

I sighed, tiredly. “I don’t want to eat, I just want him to be okay.”

He took a seat beside me, and rubbed my leg. John was such a sweet soul, there was no better friend than him. “If you’re gonna play, I really think you should eat something.”

I simply shook my head, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall. “There was a practice at 2pm. I'm already dead.”

“It’s 1:48pm. Maybe you could still make it.” He said.

I threw my hands in my face and resisted the urge to scream. I brushed my hair back, furiously, trying to take in a deep breath before I would lose it. “I don’t want to do this anymore! I'm tired of always acting like everything is okay! It's never gonna be okay!”

I got back up and put a hand to my mouth, shaking uncontrollably with tears. unable to keep myself from sobbing. A few pair of arms cuddled around me and none of it made me feel any better.

It was almost 4pm and I had to get to the arena, because our game was at 5pm. Unfortunately, I was still in the hospital, waiting. John and Sid were still there with me, I could see Nick had some pretty good friends if they wanted to stay and wait for him. It was getting very long. 

I got up from my chair, starting to pace back and forth. I'd been sitting for far too long. John and Sit were sitting in front of me, watching my every move. I jumped in surprise when somebody put their arms around me and it took a moment to realize what he had said: “Is he doing better?”

I shook my head, and turned to look over at Patrick Kane. A lot of the players from Chicago I had met before, but this guys was very different. We'd known each for much longer than that. Kaner alwasy knew how to make me feel better, even if we didn't see each other that often anymore. I knew he would never forget me, and I never forgot him. 

“It’ll be okay.” Kaner told me, something seemed so certain in his eyes.

I held in my tears, and looked at him in the face. “How can you know?”

“I don’t know. Nick just isn't the type to give up.”

“You weren’t on that rooftop, Pat.” I said.

Of course, he hadn’t heard anything about what had happened on the roof, just that he had a bad fall. What was I supposed to tell everyone? I didn’t even want to think about it. Nothing would be the same after this.

“I’m really sorry, Rose.” He said, and he pulled me into a hug. He whispered into my ear, "I'm here for you."

He released me and I felt my phone buzz inside of my pocket. I looked down at it, there was no caller ID. It was probably my coach or some of the girls, but I really didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted my brother to be okay, nothing more nothing less. I ignored the call and looked back at John for a second. He was just as tired as me, only difference is he didn’t have to get on the ice in a few minutes.

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