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Faridah woke up next to a sleeping bash. She looks at his face how the sunlight shines on him. He looks so calm and peaceful when he sleeps. She traces his nose with her finger then his lips and his jawline.

"You could have just kissed me instead." Bash opens his eyes and turns to face her. She was startled,

"Were you awake this whole time?"

"If I said yes would I get into trouble?"


"Then yes, I love how your finger feels against my skin."

She hits his chest, but she was the one who got hurt. Her bruises have gotten worst; it was black and blue, swollen overnight.

"Your wrist it's gotten worst. You have to go to the infirmary." Bash sits up from the bed looking down at her.

"No!" She quickly gets up and turns her back against him.

"You still have that fear of the infirmary?" He moves closer to her, he hugs her back.

"I told you and Francis I saw a ghost there!"

"How many times have Francis and I told you ghosts are not real?"  He kisses the back of her neck

"You did not see what I saw... Nostradamus must come here if you want me to be treated." She removes herself from his arms and stands up facing him. He tried to give her puppy dog eyes but she simply rolls her eyes at him.

"Fine." He gets up, puts on his clothes, and leaves to retrieve Nostradamus.

Nostradamus arrive with bash and looks at her wrists,

"You need not worry Sebastian she will be fine. I just need to give you some herb tea and rub a special potion I have on your bruises." Nostradamus said. Bash finally breathes he didn't realize he was holding his breath. Nostradamus told bash where to get the potion. While they wait for bash's return, Nostradamus has a vision.

"What is it?" She asks him

"Nothing, your highness."

"It's nothing, I know of your powers to see visions of the future. Catherine and bash believe in your vision. That compels me to believe in them too."

He looks down on the ground,

"Tell me."

He sighs and tells her, "I see a revolt in your country, blood on your mother, and  betrayal from your heart and your country."

She looks at him petrify.

"What does that mean." She asks and annoys at him for not answering her.

"I do not know." He continues to look at the ground. She knows he's telling the truth,

"You know as much as I know." She tries to ease the tension in the room. "Do not tell anyone of this vision you had." She demands him and he nods in agreement. Bash came into the room with the tea and the potion.

"Thank you, Sebastian." Nostradamus gives him a smile.

Bash and Nostradamus walkout Amice's room.

"Why does she fear the infirmary?" Nostradamus ask

"She claims the infirmary has a ghost living in it."

"A ghost?"

"Yes, she was asleep in the infirmary one time and woke up to a ghost staring down at her. After that incident, she never steps foot in the infirmary again." Bash chuckles, "A ghost? That is hilarious."

"Yes, hilarious." Nostradamus looks down at the floor slightly upset.
"What is everyone talking about?" Faridah asks her guards while walking down the hallway.

"The cardinal is here." They stop

"The cardinal? Why?" She looks around and sees bash with his mother.

"I'm not sure, but everyone is in the throne room if you want answers, your highness." She nods and arrives at the throne room. The news about Queen Elizabeth dying and Mary being able to claim the English throne. How king Henry desperately wants England and wants Francis and Mary to quickly wed. After that Faridah returns to her room. She sits at her desk and writes a letter.

Dear Mohammed,

I plan on traveling to England to visit you. I have a few things I want to tell you in person about our relationship. I also plan on visiting the queen. Rumors of her being ill have spread all over the French court. I would like to see this queen before her passing. See you soon.

                           Your Princess

She closes the letter with her royal seal and gives it to one of her guards.

"Need this send to Mohammed quickly."

The guard nods and leaves.
With the threat of Alttaj Alhaqiq slowly dying down. The guards stop following Amice around leaving her to start her freedom once again. The first thing she thinks of is food. Amice heads to the kitchen to get herself a little snack. She passes the infirmary where she hears Catherine and Nostradamus talking.

"There is no other way except to remove the very source of the problem."  She hears Catherine say causing her to stop and eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Francis will know, no matter how you hide your treachery. He will never forgive you."

"He can hate me for the rest of his life. God willing it's a long life."

"If Francis won't listen then tell her. Tell Mary the truth. Tell her everything."

"What, so she can tell the others? The court? The king? So we can burn for your dark magic, as heretics? And for what Nostradamus?"

"The chance of changing her own fate. Of saving the man she loves."

"And if I can't convince her?"

"Then there is no saving her, is there?" Nostradamus grabs the bag Catherine had in her hands. He takes a bottle out of the bag and holds it up to her. "From the content of the bottle in your bag. But if you kill Mary we will burn anyway. In the fire of hell for all eternity."

Catherine grabs the bottle and starts walking to the door. Amice quickly runs down the hall to avoid Catherine.

What is going on?
She thought to herself as she continues to the kitchen.

On her way back she bumps into bash.

"Where are you heading bash?"

"The stables." He doesn't make eye contact with her.

"Shall I join you?" She asks him


She looks at him, it wasn't the answer she was expecting.

"No?" She hopes he was just kidding, but he finally looks at her and nods.


"Why?" He looks back at the ground, Amice patience for this man is wearing thin. "Bash. What is wrong."

He continues to look at the floor. She sighs and grabs his head and forces him to make eye contact with her.

"Bash why are you acting this way with me? Did I do something wrong?"

He shakes his head and bites his lip,
"I just want to be alone right now."

"Did something happen? You can tell me bash, you can trust me... as I trust you." She gives him a smile. He smiles back at her and hugs her.

"Later... I'll tell you later."

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