Season 1 Episode 1 part 1

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I'm Queen Faridah queen of Algeria, well not queen YET I'm also known as Amice only to the people from Europe call me by that name because it easier than Faridah. I'm currently living in French court because of the threat on my family, the royal family. Many people want to see me and my mother dead because of their thirst for power. It's safer for me to stay here in French court than back home, I started to stay here when I was 12 years old. I have 12 personal guards from my land and 6 provided from King Henry. I also have servents from my land. They cook, clean, and dress me.

I'm good friends with Francis and I have a little history with his half-brother Sebastian also known as Bash. Francis, Bash, and I heard that the Queen of Scotland is coming to live in the French court, her name is Mary. I remember when I use to visit France when I was around 5 she use to play with me and Francis she was so sporty then. I'm sure she's no longer like that, today is the day she's coming everyone is getting ready for her arrival. She is supposed to marry Francis and he is not so happy about that, it reminds me when I first came here. When me and Bash........

"Princess Faridah, prince Francis want to talk to you in his chambers." one of the personal guards outside walked in the room and interrupted her writing.

*sigh*"Okay it seems I will finish writing another time, take me to his chambers." The Princess said putting her inked feather in her feather pen holder, she gets up and starts walking to Francis chambers. When she gets there the guards in the front open the door to the prince chambers, she walks in.

"What do you want to complain about now, your sister's wedding or the fact that Mary the queen of Scots is coming here to get marry to you," she said as the doors close behind her, she walks to the chair near his window.

"I'm glad that my sister going to be wed, I just don't want to be married to a girl I haven't met for years," Francis says walking over to Faridah and sits in the chair next to her.

"What if she is beautiful? Would you want to wed her then?" she looks over at him with curiosity written all over her face.

"I know she would not be beautiful, last time I saw her she had long legs and had both of her front of her teeth were missing," he gives her a disgusted look and chuckles a bit when he remembers her, "She loves playing sports and running around. I remember having races with her, while you and bash just stand there holding hands watching us."

He looks at Amice and see that she was hurt by that comment,

"I'm sorry I should not have talked about the past like that."

"No, it is fine," she takes a deep breath, "anyways it been years now I think the two of her front teeth would have grown back." they both chuckled.

The doors of the chamber open bash walk in

"Francis, Mary is about to show up any moment are you ready," bash said as the doors behind him close.

"Great... time to see my Bride-to-be." Francis got up and kissed Amice on the forehead,

"Thank you for listening Amice I can always talk to you about anything."

He looks at Bash and back at Amice he mouth the words "talk to her" he walks out of his chambers. Bash and Amice alone in Francis chambers, no one talked for a few minute then Amine gets up and turns to face bash.

"Hello, bash, nice seeing you again, well I have to go down to see Queen Mary," she starts walking to the door when...

"....I'm sorry.. about your father he was a good man.."

Bash turns to face Amice who was in front of the doors, she turns to face him

"Why do you bring him up he has been dead since I was 13."

She looked confused and hurt, she looks at the door and she walked up to it opened and looked back at him.

"Thank you for reminding me today was when he died."

She turned and walked away.

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