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"Do you really need to go?" Faridah ask Mohammed while he was dressing up.

"Yes, I am requested by the English nobleman to meet with him."

"But wouldn't it be better if you stay here with me?" She said getting up from the bed and walks over to him and grabs his hands. Mohammed leans in and kiss her,

"It would be better." He kisses her again, "A lot better, but I need to meet with him to get my way to Indian market." He kisses her again but removing his lips from hers. He drops his jacket he was about to wear and wraps his arms around her waist. They were interrupt by a guard.

"My princess, Sebastian wants to see you."

She bobs her head and bash comes through the door. He sees them holding each other and seems quite annoyed and angry at that.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like." Mohammed response


"What? he interrupted us." Mohammed tries to defend himself.

"Go, you have places to be be." She motions him, but before leaving he give her one last kiss. Mohammed looks at bash to see his reaction and was happy with the reaction he got. He leaves, leaving them all alone.

"Are you guys together now?"

"Why would that matter to you."

"What do you mean?" He cross his arms.

"I know what happened between you and Mary, the kiss."

"Amice, it was a mistake. We both didn't really mean it. Nothing is really between us besides lust." He stop talk realizing that he let the last sentence slip out of his mouth.

"Lust?" She laughs, "You say nothing is between you two besides lust? Then there is something between you and Mary."

Bash steps closer to her and she took a step back.

"Don't come near me bash."

"Please Amice I didn't mean what I said it just-"

"Just what? For you to say that sentence means you thought about it. It does not matter to me who you lust or love over. I no longer care."

"You don't care?"

With every word she tries to get it out of her mouth, "I'm in a relationship with Mohammed now."

"Mohammed? Are you play some practical joke on me?" Bash stares into her eye trying to find out, but finds out its not the answer he wants.
"Mohammed is dangerous you can't trust him."

"Mohammed loves me he even asked me to marry him."

"Please tell me you said no."

Faridah doesn't answer; she wants him to suffer a little more.

"I told him yes."
Immediately bash grabs her by her shoulders and looks deep into her eye. He kisses her. This kiss was different from Mohammed's kiss. This sents a tingly sensation through her body. Her heart craves more, but her head tells her otherwise. She somehow pulls away from his kiss.

"I'm with Mohammed, you had your chance with me."

Bash's hand cups her face he stares down at her. Their forehead touching nose only a few inches away.

"Why him?"

"Why Mary?"
He kisses her forehead and leaves the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~later that day~~~~~~~~~~~
"My princess." A guard enters her room bows

"Yes, what is it."

"King Henry has requested to see you."

She leaves and meets king Henry at the throne room.  She bows and waits for him to answer.

"Amice I was wondering if I can bring your guards with me."

"To fight for your war?"

"It's not a war, it's just a minor display of temper." Catherine corrects her.

"No blood would be shed? My men would be safe?"

"Maybe a couple of little fights but not too dangerous to risk their lives."

"Of course this favor will immediately be repaid back with gold." Catherine smiles at her

"I have no interest in gold, the majority of the gold you have us from my country. It would be foolish of me to get my own gold back."

"What would you like instead?" King Henry ask

"I would love the chateau you own in Paris."

"My chateau?" King Henry look confused, "Why?"

"It something I want."

"Deal." Catherine quickly said causing Henry to look at her. 
"You know I love that chateau." He whispers to her
"Do you love the chateau or does your mistress?" She response. King Henry clears his throat, "Alright."
She leaves the room and looks at her guard.

"I know you heard everything, so what do you think?"
"My princess, I have no right to say anything." He bows

"I feel like you going to say more."

"If I may." She nods letting him talk, "Leaving you alone would not be the best idea. Since Alttaj Alhaqiqi is still after you."

"One day is not going to hurt. I would spend most of my time with Francis anyways. The Neapolitan court is also coming today. My mother and he have a good relationship so I should be fine with and his men."

The guard still looks worried.

"Tell the others of this and that they need not to worry about me."

The guard bows and runs of to tell the news.

"You really feel safe with me?" Francis walks up to her.

"To be honest, no." They both laugh

"You ready for the Italians?" He asked her

"Well my mother and the Neapolitan court are close. I can be with you and your mother when you greet him." She said

"No it fine my mother and I can handle it."
Amice and Mary wait in the throne room for Catherine and Francis to bring their guest over.

"Amice, I just want to tell you what happened between me and bash it was nothing. A mistake."

"Sorry if I might be sounding rude but I don't want her what happened between you and Sebastian at all."

"I understand."

The doors open and both the girls put on a fake smile.

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