"It seems the direwolf agrees with me, Lord Tyrion," Ser Rickard spoke up in a mocking tone, "She knows you're not fit to protect Joanna. After all, it's been months since she married that Khal and still, you haven't found her. I will do what you failed to do. Keep her safe."

Without another word said, Rickard turned on his heel and walked away, Dreamer at his side.

Out of all the Queensguard Knights, Rickard, indeed, was the one most fit to protect Joanna. It wouldn't be the first time he protected her. He saved her in the black cells years ago when she was visiting Tyrion and was nearly attacked by one of the prisoners, resulting in both of them falling sick.

Jaime and Edric were the ones most fit to protect Lyanna, the only ones who could truly understand that she'd be able to fight most of her battles herself. Just like her mother.

Ser Steffon was the one most fit to protect Torrhen. They were both content, but knew when it was time to fight and be lethal.

Edmyn was the one most fit to protect Olyvar and Eddard. They needed someone young and able to understand how they acted, not try to stop them from being young and reckless at times.

And Brienne. Oh, Brienne. Now that one was a mistake. No one could protect Rickard. He was as a wild as a wolf could become. It would be impossible for her to truly get her hands on him, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

She didn't realize, though, that the Hound was the only one who could truly protect Rickard. The one who could make sure he didn't get himself killed in his numerous acts of violence against those who stood against his family.


    At the Golden Tooth in the Westerlands, thunder rumbled in the sky through the darkness. It was nighttime and three Reachmen sat just outside the encampment since they had been appointed to keep watch through the knight.

In their free time, they found themselves beginning to argue about who was the best fighter in Annalys' Queensguard.

"It's got to be Ser Edric Dayne. Last I saw him, he cut through five men like he'd carve through a cake," The first one commented, but the two others were quick to argue.

"What about Ser Rickard Royce?" He questioned, recalling the events of what happened in the throne room months before, "After he released from his duties in Queen Margaery's Royal Guard, he left so angrily that he killed five men before leaving the city, all of them armed!"

"Loras Tyrell?" The third man asked, causing the two others to laugh.

"Loras Tyrell?" The first one questioned, laughing in amusement, "He's prettier than his sister, the queen."

"How good could he be?" The second one complained, a large amused smile on his face, "He spent years stabbing Ser Edmyn Hightower and Edmyn ain't dead."

The three men began to laugh in amusement, only to stop when they turned their head and listened as the horse began to neigh nervously.

The first one stood up, frowning in concern as he placed his flask down. "The horses seem spooked to you?"

"They're horses, they get spooked by their own shadows," The second one complained, not seeing it as a big deal.

"Shh," The first one told the two others in a hushed tone, "Do you hear that? There's something out there."

The two other soldiers stood up to investigate the darkness. They moved forward cautiously, only to suddenly hear the low, menacing growls of two wolves.

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