"Accio textbooks." All the textbooks me and Draco needed came flying into our hands. I flicked my wand again and tons of gold galleons came flying out of my pocket and flew to the cashier. We showed him our books and he nodded while he counted the change. When he was done he looked up.

"Keep the change!" I yelled before walking out of the bookstore with Draco. I rolled my eyes.

"I hate Ronald." I stated.

"Me too." He agreed. I giggled as we both walked down the street. We walked to Ollivanders and saw Narcissa standing by the front. She smiled at us as we made our way over.

"Got everything?" She asked. We both nodded.

"Alright, let's go!" She said as she grabbed our hands and apparated us. I landed on the familiar wooden floor and was met with a person in my face.

"Father! You startled me!" I jumped back a little. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the dining room. He threw me inside and I saw a ton of death eaters at the table. They all looked at me.

"Sit!" He snapped. Every death eater jumped but I just walked over to the chair next to him. I then looked at all the death eaters, there was a few I recognized. Snape, Lucius,Karkaroff, and Petigrew.

"Now, that we're all here..." Father announced. I furrowed my eyebrows. I mean, I have attended some of the meetings but never been named a deatheater.

"What do you mean by that, Father?" I spoke up. He turned to me and smirked.

"Well you'll be becoming a death eater today of course." He smiled evilly. My eyes widened a little. What!

"O- okay." I shuddered. I couldn't say no to him or I would have another incident like this afternoon. He smiled at me as he walked over to me with his wand.

"Arm." He said plainly. I stood up and slowly showed him my arm. He pressed his wand to my arm and muttered something.... dark.

Then pain shot up my arm and I screamed. I sat back in my chair and held my arm.

"Very good, Anastasia." He praised. I looked down at my arm to see the dark mark plastered on my pale skin. I looked back up and nodded.

"Now, lets continue. It was quite a disappointment to see Barty get the dementors kiss. But we must carry on! We need to get our great death eaters back! So I have planned a break out of Azkaban prison. Hopefully we will get everyone out, including the Lestranges, Carrows, Avery, Dolohov, Jugson, Nott, and Rookwood. And many more." He announced as he sat at the table.

They talked and planned for a while before I heard my name.

"Anastasia, you know your mission while at Hogwarts. You must gain Harry Potter's trust then find out his secrets. Report to me as soon as possible. Don't tell anyone about being a death eater. Not even Draco." He reminded me. I had so many questions. Why can't I tell Draco? But I nodded anyway.

"Good. Now we will have another meeting after Hogwarts starts." He announced. Everyone got up from the table, I got up from my chair and covered my mark.

"Anastasia." Father called. I looked over to him and he beckoned me over. I walked over to him.

"Yes father."

"I mean it when I say no one. Not your friends or the Weasleys... not even Draco. I can't risk people finding out and targeting you. I need to keep you safe." He whispered to me. I nodded.

"I won't tell anyone. But why can't I tell Draco?" I asked.

"Because, he might tell someone."

"I know Draco, father, and I know he would never betray me."

LOVED BY A MALFOY | D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now