Joanna found herself smiling at his story, beginning to think of the stories of her mother beating men twice her size. "And your father, was he a warrior?" He found himself asking Joanna, who nodded in response.

"My mother and my father were warriors," She informed Najo, who was clearly taken aback by the revelation.

Najo frowned in confusion, not understanding what she meant. "Women are not warriors. That can't be. They are not fit."

Joanna began to smile in amusement, knowing it wasn't Najo's fault for thinking such a way. He was raised to believe that, as most men were, even in Westeros.

The times only changed in the past fifteen years in Westeros because Brienne of Tarth joined the Queensguard, making her the first female to do so and Annalys herself made the example of being the first queen regnant. Not to mention, the most known female warrior in centuries.

"Maybe not here, but in my homeland, my mother was a warrior. The greatest one who ever lived. She killed thousands of men with just her sword. She fought in many wars and won them all. My father did, too. They fought together, always." She explained and Najo became genuinely interested in what she had to say.

"Your mother was a Khaleesi?" He asked curiously and Joanna nodded.

"Yes, a Khaleesi. She gained the title of Khaleesi in a way a lot like you Khals do. She killed the old Khal," Joanna explained, only to make her husband even more confused.

"Your mother was a Khaleesi without a Khal."

"For a time, yes. My mother was like a Khal while my father was like a Khaleesi," She explained, trying her hardest not to laugh at how odd it sounded but it was the only way to explain it, "Where I'm from they call what my father was a..." She trailed off, beginning to speak the common tongue, "Consort."

"Consort," He repeated and Joanna began to smile, clearly proud of him.

"Very good. Your common tongue is getting better every day," She complimented and it caused Najo to begin to wonder.

How did they first meet with Joanna already fluent in Dothraki while Najo didn't know a single word in her language?

"How do you know Dothraki?" He asked her curiously.

"My mother taught me. I speak other languages, too," Joanna informed her husband, who nodded in understanding.

"Hmm," He hummed in response, "Where is your mother, the...khal?"

"Dead," Joanna answered plainly, surprisingly maintaining a straight face.

After spending so many weeks crying over her family, Joanna felt as though she had no more tears left to cry. On that day, she promised herself that she wouldn't let herself cry over them.

She needed to remain strong. It was what they would have wanted her to do so that was exactly what she did.

She wasn't Princess Joanna Stark any longer. She was Joanna, a Khaleesi and the wife to Khal Najo.

Najo began to frown after Joanna told him that her mother was dead, seeing as though she had never said it before.

"Remember how you told me it's forbidden to shed blood in Vaes Dothraki?" She explained and Najo nodded, "There's a place like that in my homeland. A Sept. My sister was getting wed there. Men came. They killed my brother and tried to kill the rest of us. I was the only one to get away."

"Do they want you dead still?" Najo asked and Joanna solemly nodded her head, "The Khalasar will protect you. I will protect you. You are the Khaleesi now. A strong one, too, and one day you give us a son that could be the Stallion Who Mounts the World."

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Where stories live. Discover now