Geras: You will be destroyed.

(Y/N): I don't think so.

You then charged at him as you then punched him with your two blue fists as he was sent back a bit as he constructed a made on his hand and tried to punch you as you caught the mace as you faced.

(Y/N): You might be strong but that won't help because I'm stronger than you! How about that?!

He then teleported away as he appeared behind you and then punched you at the back of the head as you turned and got kicked in the gut as you were sent a few feet away as you were at the ground and got up to face him.

(Y/N): Ok so your stronger than I thought, so it's time to get serious.

You brought your blue fists together as they created electricity. You charged at him as you then punched geras and grabbed him as you then punched him repeatedly in the face as you then punched him one last time as you then changed to Abatoon as you pulled out a mallet and whacked him straight in the face with it as he was sent to chains as it was attached to an anchor as Raiden sent a lightning blast at the anchor sending it to the sea of blood as Geras saw it.

Geras: Drowning cannot kill me!

Raiden: That is unfortunate for you. The sea of blood is bottomless.

(Y/N): Which means you will be falling forever! Have a nice dip!

Then the chains pulled geras as he was now sent into the sea of blood as he was now trapped in the sea of blood falling forever, you then looked at Raiden as you smiled at him.

(Y/N): Thanks Raiden.

Raiden: You are welcome.

You then changed back as you saw the rest of the enemies are still fighting.

Keith: Hey bud, if this would be a good time to go clockwork maybe now is a good time.

You then turned into clockwork as you then sent a time blast at them as the villains saw the blast as they were then hit by it as we see you aiming it at each and every one of them as we see they were now gone.

Kara: Where'd they go?

Paradox: They have been returned to the timelines that spawned them.

(Y/N): Yes, which leaves only Kronika and Maltruant, Keith it's time.

Keith: On it.

He turned into Bootleg as he then got on you and then became Bootlegged Clockwork.

(Y/N): Alright everyone, it's time we clean Kronika and Maltruant's clocks!

Kara: Seriously?

(Y/N): Sorry. But we need to stop them.

Ben: The rest of us will deal with the army you guys deal with Kronika and Maltruant!

(Y/N): Very well. Come one guys.

You all ran to the temple but the diamonds saw what shocked them was their past selves while yellow and blue's past selves were white..

White Diamond: It's us.

Past White Diamond: Kronika promised me, black diamond for the new era.

You changed back as you saw her as she notices your black diamond on your forehead.

Past White Diamond: Black. Did you have fun? It's time to come out moonlight.

She then grabbed you in her hand as she brought you to her face as she saw your gem as the rest of the others saw you being taken by White's past self.

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