Tom is mad.

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Jess's pov.
I hear Harry, but I can't quite come out of the flashback. I know it isnt real, but it feels like it is.
I feel a hand holding mine and a squeeze it as tight as i can. "Jess love. Its me. Sam. Please come back to me"
I blink a few times and the flash back is gone. "S-Sam...." I jump into his arms and hug him as tight as I can.
He holds me rubbing my back and telling me everything will be okay.
I curl into him like a child and close my eyes. Exhausted and drained.
"Jess.... I'm gonna give you to Harrison and he's gonna stay with you. Ok?" I just nod not having energy to say anything. I feel Sam stand up holding me, and he passes me to haz. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes
Sam kisses my head and leaves.
Haz lays me on the couch. "Lets watch a movie " I look up at him and nod.

The next morning
I wake up. In a big shirt and in my bed. Sometime last night i must of fallen asleep and been carried in here. I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen and start cooking breakfast.
I hear a loud groan "goodmorning" haz stands up from the couch shirtless, and stretches. "Goodmorning. Did you stay last night?" He nods and sits across from where I'm standing at the counter.  "I figured if you woke up it was best to have someone here." I smile and keep cooking. "Also.. I accidentally spilled orange juice on you which is why you're wearing my shirt. I turned off the lights before I changed you so I didn't see anything" i put some food in front of him and smile. "Thank you. For everything." He smiles back at me.

As haz and I are talking the door opens. "Look jess I just couldn't leave it that way I'm sorry. I needed to know your okay" tom walks in and looks up noticing me in Harrison's shirt and he immediately gets mad. "MY BEST FRIEND. REALLY MY BEST FRIEND. I GOT YELLED AT TO LEAVE BUT HIM. HE COULD STAY. AND NOW YOU ARE IN HIS SHIRT. REALLY. WHAT THE FUCK" haz walks over to him. "Tom nothing happened" he looks at harrison then at me. "What. Yes something clearly did happen" I shake my head. "No he- " tom cuts me off. "Fuck this fuck all of this. You were supposed to be my best friend. You were supposed to be happy for me. And now. You take my girl." Tom is unbelievably mad and he storms out.
"Haz...." He just looks at me. "I dont wanna lose him" he sits back down. "Give him time to calm down. He'll be back" I just nod and we carry on with our day.

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