i told her.

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Tom's POV
Its been a few days since my incident and I hope that Jess is okay. She really means a lot to me even though its only been a few weeks since we started dating. I'm truly falling for her. The morning after my incident Jess seemed to be acting weird. And she hasn't told me why. Later that day she left the house and didn't come back until the next night. I'm really starting to worry about her. I don't want such a wonderful woman to feel pain. And I see the way she looks at me....she looks at me as if I'm broken. She wants to know what happened that night, I have been having the same nightmare for four years now. Ever since my older brother niall passed away, he was driving me home one night and he saw the accident coming but I didn't I was just going on, and on. And he knew there was no stopping it, so he unbuckled, and jumped in front of me, his body took all the force and I was fine. But his death was immediate. And all I could do was cry, I've had these nightmares for so long. And the other night it was like I was reliving the whole accident again. It just got to be too much and I had to leave. And I know that Jess saw the whole thing, she had this worried look on her face and she now looks at me almost like I'm broken, I know that she doesn't mean to look at me like that. But its just the way her face sets now when she looks at me. And I hope that I'm not whats bothering her, because if I am I don't think I could take it. I hate causing her that much pain. I should really tell her what's going on.

3 hours later

As I walk into the kitchen I see Jess sitting there on the counter she looks up and me and smiles but still has that broken look in her eyes. "Hey babe!" I go and sit down next to her. "Hey, love......so I have something that I want to tell you" she looks a bit worried at that. "Okay?" She gets comfortable and leans her head on my shoulder. "So...about the other night...." She sits up alarmed almost. "Babe...if you..if you don't want to." I cut her off. "Its time you knew. I had an older brother named Niall....but he was driving me home one night and I was just taking on, and on, and on, and then all of the sudden a truck came out of nowhere. And he knew there was no stopping the accident so instead he unbuckled his seat belt And he put his body over mine so the accident would only effect him and that it wouldn't hurt me, I was fine but he wasn't he died immediately. And I've had nightmares about that night ever since. And the other night it was almost as if I was there again reliving it, that's why I ran out the way I did. I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she looked at me with shocked eyes and then kissed me. "Oh, I'm so sorry, if-if I had none I would never.." I cut her off with another kiss. "Love its fine. Can we not talk about it and go watch a movie please." She nodded and off we went.

Long chapter, I hope you like it. Tom finally told her about his past.

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