my family

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I'm at my apartment now and my family is coming to visit, I haven't seen them in what feels like forever. All five of my brothers and my mom are all coming to London to visit me! My brother ethan, then alex, taylor, mathew, and aaron. I'm that order then there's me, I'm the only girl so I'm excited to see everyone again,I've never been away from my family this long before, and my dad got time off to come see me to, so I'll have the whole family back together again, and I can't wait.
They said they'd arrive at 2:30on London time, and it's 11:45am right now, so I have time to cook, shower, clean, and pick out an outfit. I decided I'd make an easy chicken breast with salad and veggies on the side, for dessert on making brownies, and the chicken and brownies are already cooking, so I jump in the shower. Then I clean up my messy apartment, after I moved in, a decorated the whole house to be my own, and it looks amazing! I can't wait for my family to see it since none of them have been here since I left. After I clean the brownies are ready and its 1:30 I still need to get dressed so I run pick out an outfit (picture above) and after I'm dressed with my hair and makeup done the chicken is ready and my family is on the way.
I sit on the couch and check social media while I wait. I realize I never actually followed tom, so I click on tomholland2013 and click follow, he's a huge actor and has girls throwing themselves at him all the time, but a post he's tagged in catches my eye. A new page is reporting about him.
Tom Holland is seen again with this mystery blonde, who is she? Are they dating? Wait to find out, but if Tom Holland is dating this beautiful gal then ladies that means he taken and none of you got your chance, tweet this star and find out all the details the world needs to know.
And attached is a pic of Tom with a girl. A beautiful blonde girl and it looks like they are holding hands, this social media boy of mine needs to give some answers.
I send the picture to cece to see what she says
J: what does this look like to you?
C: if I but is that tom?
J: yes does it look like he's holding hands with the blonde?
C: it does, where did you find this?
J: it's all over twitter.
C: are you going to ask him about it?
Knock knock
My family is here so I go and open the door, after hugs and a tour, and greetings I respond to face
J: I want to ask haz first.
C: okay well if this sick hurts you or breaks your heart I get to hit him first
J: girl chill it hasn't come to that yet. I grab family is here TTYL MYGIRL!!
C: btw bitch!😘
Back to family.
"Food is ready, so we can eat!!" My mother looks at me " before we eat.... " oh no, what's she going to say? "We all want to know who the boy in the picture is??" I look at the one she's pointing at, it's of me and tom. " oh that's my boyfriend tom! He's an actor, we haven't been dating for long. " they all look at me accept my dad because he already knows "and you didn't tell us??????" Taylor practically yells. " I knew it was a date" ethan says. I shake my head "no the lunch your thinking of is with my bestie haz that wasn't a date. Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you's just" my dad cuts me off "I know and I told her not to tell you guys get so I could meet him first but too much has been going on for me to properly meet him. Now can we please eat" my dad covered for me and I Don't know why, he didn't need to but I'm glad he did. "Fine, let's eat. But I want to hear all about this boy who has my baby girls heart. "Mom come on" I shake my head.
We all sit down to eat and text haz
J: I need your help, don't tell tom.
H: what do you need? I'm here.
J: does Tom have another girlfriend?

"Who are you texting?" Everyone looks at me when ethan asks. " just my bestie haz, I'm checking in to see how he's feeling. " they all look at me as if they don't by it. But they let it slide. "So how is everyone? How's collage?"

H: why would you think he has another gf?
J: because of this.
Sent picture.

"Collage is good. " I laugh as they all say it in unison. "One at a time please."

H: so you've seen that to, well no they aren't dating those are old pictures.
J: then why are they coming up now?
H: to start drama.
J: well it's working.
H: don't talk to Tom about it, it'll make him upset. Just trust me.
J: I will, and I do.
End text.

So after being all filled in on everyone lives, we finish eating and go sit in the living room.
"So" my mom looks at me. "Yes!" My dad laughs " fill us in on tom now! " my mom says and everyone wants to hear about him apparently. "Ugh, what do you want to know?"
" what's he like? " ethan asks
"Can be sing?" Taylor asks
" can be dance? " Matthew asks 
"Is he smart?" Aaron asks.
"Does he make you happy?" Alex asks.
"Boys relax" my father says.
"Okay well, he's an actor, he's very smart gradua Ted from two schools with high gpas and he was billy's best friend in Bil lly elliot, so yes he can sing and dance, and yes he makes me the happiest I've ever been with a boy." I breathe after saying that. My family talks about wanting to meet Tom, and I said I'd set something up. Then shortly after they left to go to their hotel.

social media.  (A tom holland fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now