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Your POV
Its been a while since tom and you have started dating and you really love him, you truly can't get enough, but along with tom you also made a few bff's haz, Sam, and harry. You love those boys too, and you are so happy you've met them. As you lay on your bed you think of all the wonderful ppl you've met since you've moved here. You hear your phone buzz! Its instagram with a DM, who could that be? You think to yourself as you unlock your phone.
Hey shorty!
Its tom!
You: heyy spidey boy;)
Tom: I hate when you call me that.
You: then don't call me short.
Tom: fine:( what are you doing today?
You: I don't know yet. Why?
Tom: want to meet up for lunch? I have the boys with me.
You: I should be able to yeah. :)
Tom: great! :) harry says hi!
You: hi harry😘 what time? And where?
Tom: DON'T KISS HIM! BETRAYAL! umm...the place on the corner? (Enter random restaurant) at 1:15
You: sorry babe, I love you😘 yeah, sounds good.
Tom: I love you too, I'll see you there love.
As I put my phone down I think about what I'm gonna wear I don't have to much time, seeing as its already 11:53am. I go to my closet and pick out a black, off the shoulder crop top, with white ripped skinny jeans, and my black and white converse. My phone starts buzzing and I go and pick it up, its my dad.
Dad: hey honey, do you want to grab dinner tonight?
You: hey dad! Ummm..yeah sure, what time and where?
Dad: 7:00pm at (enter random restaurant)
You: sounds good.
Dad: how is everything going?
You: good, I'm actually about to go out with some friends and my....ummmm...
Dad: sweetheart? Your what?
You: well see I don't know, we've been dating, and its all going really well but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. So I don't know what we are.
Dad: well just ask him, and if he breaks your heart I'll kill me.
You: thanks dad, I'll ask him today while we are out at lunch.
Dad: okay sweetie, have fun and stay safe.
You: always dad, and you stay safe too! I love you.
Dad: I love you too, see you tonight.
After I get off the phone its almost time to leave. But first I get on twitter. There is a bunch of random pictures of my friends and accounts I follow. But one catches my eye. Its tom, and he's out with some blonde chick, and the caption is, has spider-man got himself a new lady friend? These two have been spotted all over town together.
I send the picture to CeCe and then leave for the lunch.
Skip to the restaurant.
As I walk up I see tom in a really nice outfit (picture above) and he's waving at me, along with all the other boys. I walk up and high each of them. "Hello love, you look amazing" I blush as tom compliments me. "I would like to talk to you alone in a bit" he doesn't ask questions he just gives me a sidelong glance and nods. "Boys you find a table I'm gonna talk to Jess for a minute" they all nod and go sit down. "What's wrong love" he looks at me with a concerned look and it about breaks my heart. "What are we?" He looks a bit shocked at the question. "Are we boyfriend and girlfriend, or am I just a fling, or what?" He rubs his forehead and sighs. "You are my whole world, the light of my life, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and I love you! Will you please be my girlfriend, I'm sorry it took this long to ask." I tackle him with a hug as tears spring to my eyes, he means the world to me and hearing him say those words is all I ever wanted and all I will ever need. "I love you too! And yes I will!" As we pull away he wipes the tears from my eyes and kisses my lips softly, then our order was called and we went to sit with the guys.
Skip to dinner time.

As I walk up to (insert name here) I walk in to look for my dad, he said he was already here but I don't see him. I look around for him and suddenly he walks out of the bathroom and runs at me, he basically tackled me in a hug, "sweetheart! Your here. Yay! Its so good to see you, how have you been? Let's sit down." We go and sit at a table and order drinks. "Sorry about that reaction earlier, its just so good to see you!" He smiles and looks a bit worried as if I won't feel the same. "I've missed you to dad, its been so long" the waitress comes back with our drinks and asked what we would like to order. My dad orders a stake, and I order shrimp. After she walks away he says "so.....how did it go with that boy we were talking about earlier?" I smile when I think of tom, "it went fine! He asked me to be his girlfriend!!" He looks like an intimidating dad, who's about to put the fear of god in my boyfriend. "Well I need to meet him then. Make sure he's right for you" I just roll my eyes and our food comes out. My phone starts buzzing, its tom. "Can I take this?" He nods so I pick up the phone.
You: hey I'm at dinner with my dad.
Tom: I know love, and I'm very sorry, bu-but haz has gone missing. We can't find him anywhere.
You: omg okay hang on.
"Dad my bestfriend has been kidnapped, I'm sorry but..." He holds up a hand "say not more. Bye but be safe" I nod and run out the door.
You: where are you? I'm on my way.
Tom: corner of 9th and Kenmore.
You: be there in ten.
Tom: okay, I love you stay safe.
You: I love you too! And I will.
End call.

Oh no! Harrison is gone! This is a very long chapter and took me three days to write, so I hope you enjoy.

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