the date. or so i thought.

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Jess's POV
After I bumped in to tom. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Just then I got a text. I didn't know who it was from?

Person, hey
Me, who's this?
Person, its tom, remember we bumped in to each other yesterday?
Me, oh right, what's up?
Omg. Its the cute boy tom ahh omg, just breathe
Changes name to Tom in phone.
Tom, I was wonder if you wanted to go out sometime?
Omg, did I stop breathing? Omg, I'm freaking out ahhh. I need to respond he'll think I don't want to.
Me, yes, I would like that.
Tom, okay great!
Me, details?
Tom, oh right, lol ummm. where do you want to go?
Me, idk I'm new here.
Tom, then I know just the perfect place. Pick you up tomorrow at 6?
Me, sounds great.
Tom, bye
Me, bye.

Omg I'm so excited! But I have know idea what to wear? I'll text cece. But first I need to check social media. I go on snapchat and once again tom Holland shows up. You know I wonder about this kid. Knock knock, damn! I need to know more about this kid. Who's at the door? I look and see its CeCe, great just who I needed to talk to. "Come in" I say when opening the door, "hey, wanna hang" CeCe asks. "Actually we need to talk" I say. She looks worried. "About?" She asks "I have a date" I yell super excited! "Yay, what are you going to wear" she asks "that's what we need to talk about, I have No idea where he's taking me," I say "okay, to the closet" CeCe says. I look at the clock and see its 4:02pm.

6 hours later.
We finally decided on an outfit

Blue skinny jeans, a pink tank top with a bow on the front, a gold necklace my mom gave me, a black blazer, black heals, a pink purse, and a gold bracelet to match. I was so tired after that I passed out and so did CeCe,

Next morning
I woke up in a panic thinking I had slept to late, "calm down" CeCe said "okay" I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:47am "I need coffee" I groaned "okay, let's go" CeCe said. We went across the street and got coffee, then went back to the apartment. "I need a shower brb" I said "okay, I'll get everything ready" cece said.

After the shower

I walk out in a robe and a towel around my head. "Soooo attractive" CeCe jokes "go to hell" i yell throwing a pillow at her laughing. She starts laughing and throwing pillows to. I look at the clock and see its 11:58, almost 12. I need to get ready. I do my make up while CeCe dries my hair. Then when that's done CeCe curls my hair.

An hour later
Cece is finally done curling my hair and its 1:30 we need food. I order pizza and we eat a lot. After I redo my lipstick. I get dressed, I love the way I look and so does Cece, we have time so we watch a movie.
After the movie

Its almost six and I'm getting nervous. Cece has to calm me down. I'm freaking I have know idea where he's taking me. Knock, knock.
He's here ahhh "go get'em Cece says. I give her the thums up and open the door. But its not Tom?

social media.  (A tom holland fan fiction) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu