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Tom's POV
I picked up the phone and it was Jess's friend cece.
C: Hi tom, it's cece jess's friend. We need to meet and talk, like now.
T: is Jess okay?
C: she's fine, now meet me at (insert name of somewhere you like.)
T: okay?
C: ten minutes don't be late.
T: yes ma'am, see you there.
C: bye.

Well that was a weird phone call, but she said ten minutes. Sounded to leave. I grab my keys and go to my car, on the way to the car I text harrison.
T: leaving the house, I'll be back in a few hours.
H: where to?
T: to meet with Jess's friend Cece, but idk what it's about mate.
H: okay well have fun, and text me when your on your way home. Cause I want to know what she said.
T: okay, mate. I'll talk to you later then.
H: bye.
T: bye.

I get in the car and drive to this place she wants to meet. As I pull up I see her standing there. I get out and walk up to her, "hey....." She nods and just starts walking so I follow her. We sit and she just looks at me, " okay...So why did you want to meet? "
"Because you need to know what I'm about to tell you and Jess is too scared to tell you." I start to panic . "Okay?" She makes herself. more comfortable then takes a to deep breath. " You are the best person in her life right now and you mean the world to her, she really loves you, and her biggest fear is losing you. She's afraid once you know the real her you won't love her anymore. And she's scared you don't actually love her even though you say you do. She cares so much and she gushes about you all the time, in her eyes your perfect and that'll change of you don't correct the way she thinks. " I stop panicking so much. "Okay well I feel the exact same way, and I guess I haven't been clear about why because her and I haven't really say down and talked much since we started dating." She nods, " you mean a lot to her. If you fuck her up I'll beat you. " I nod "if I fuck her up I give you full permission to beat me, and I'll beat myself after." She smiles. " I like you, your a good dude. " so now I have her best friends approval "I'm glad. Now I'm going to go talk to her now." I stand up and so does she, I start walking away " hey tom" Cece yells after me. I turn around "be careful with her" I nod "thanks."
As I walk to my car I think of everything Cece and I just talked about. And then I text Jessica
T: hey beautiful, I'm coming over we need to talk.
I wait for a respond but don't get one so I just head right over. And when I get there I see a familiar car.......

things are getting interesting, I have some interesting things planned for this story so I hope your enjoying it so far!! I'm enjoying writing it a lot.

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