moving in.

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I can't wait to move in to my new apartment. Here comes the furniture! Yay. I see a mover come in with my camera and run to take it. "I'll take that, thank you" I see my whole family carrying in stuff and helping. I love them so much.

A few hours later.
So I'm all moved in, and settled. So I check social media to see what my friends are up to? I see a lot of pics and captions about how much fun there all having, and I look around at my new little apartment and my new life for the next year or two, I look back at my phone and see that I have a suggestion, tomholland2013. And I'm really confused, I've never heard of this guy. Apparently he's an actor. Cool. I look at the time and see its 11: 56 pm wow it's late I need sleep.

Skip to the next day.

I wake up in my new little apartment, and I can't help but smile. I love it so much. So today I decided to take my camera out and explore. But first I need coffee. I walk outside and see a coffee shop right across the street, I go inside and ask for a coffee, I look around at people and start snapping pictures, "you really should ask first, " I jump when I hear the voice, I look up and there's this cute guy looking at me I smile, "this seat taken? " he asks. "No, go right a head, sit, I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jess" "Hi Jess I'm Harrison" The cute boy says. "It's nice to meet you" I say and smile. "You new in town" he asks? "Yeah" I smile. "Your cute" He smiles. "But sadly I should get going, but before I go, my I have your number? " " Okay" I take his phone and put my number in. "Thanks love" He says. And leaves.

I decided to check social media before leaving the coffee shop. And once again that Tom guy popped up in my suggestions, why? I asked myself.

Back at home.
I called my mom.
Mom. Hi sweetie,
Me. Hi mom,
Mom. What's wrong is everything okay?
Me. Yes, everything is fine, don't worry.
Mom. Okay baby, well I need to get some sleep, love you.
Me. Love you too.
End call.
I was bored so I went to go take more pictures, but I couldn't stop think about Tom Holland, like what's his deal?. But a buzzing sound interrupted my thinking, it was Harrison calling.
Phone call
H, hey.
Me. Hi
H. What's up?
Me. Just taking pictures, you?
H. About to go to lunch, wanna come? I'll pay.
Me. Sure, where?
H. Corner of 5th and may.
Me. Okay see you in a bit.
H. Bye, love.

social media.  (A tom holland fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now