part 2

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Flash back

I got up and walked to the door, I opened it to see him standing there, ready to listen with his arms wide for a hug. I let him in and hugged him then lead him to the couch and we sat down. "Okay, I need to talk to you, and I'm going to be completely honest. I haven't told anyone this, and aside from my parents nobody knows. My mom thinks I should tell tom and I want to buy I'm scared of how he'll react so I wanted to tell you first since I trust you and you know Tom really well. Please don't over react once I tell you."

I'm sitting on the couch with Sam holland, Tom's brother. I asked Harry and Sam both but Harry was busy. So Sam and I sit on the couch facing each other, him waiting for me to speak again so he can know what the hell is going on. I take in a deep breath and ready my self..... " I was abused..... " he clenched his jaw getting all brotherly and protective, but doesn't say a word. "When I was 9 I was kidnapped, and raped and beated til I was bloody and sick." He takes a deep breath. But still continues to stay silent. "My mom is the only one aside from the guy and me who know the full story.....My brothers don't know it all, and they don't need to." He continues to sit there being polite and silent waiting for me to finish. " I just don't want to tell tom and have him look at me as broken and hurt over something like this, or have him leave me. " he nods making sure I'm finished, "one thing I can say for sure is that he won't leave you because of this, and I think he'll take it okay after he gets over the urge to kill the guy that did this to you. You should tell him though and I know my brother, he'll get over protective and try to hurt the guy then he'll hold you and make sure your okay then he'll say he loves you. My brother would never....." Right then my phone dings with a text from tom.

" hey beautiful, I'm coming over we need to talk. "I

" shit Tom is on his way. He can't know your hear, we haven't finished talking. " Sam stands up, "it's okay. You should tell him, he'll be okay trust me." I nod. " I don't mean to be rude but can you.... " I trail off but point at the door. Sam laughs, " I'm leaving, if you decided to tell him let me know. " I hug him. "Will do, thank you Sammy" he kisses my cheek , "anything for my sister." Then he winks and walks out the door.

J: sounds good babe.😘
T: thank God you answered, I didn't want to just show up😂
J: you better not be texting and driving.
T: I'm not my darling, I'm standing at your door.
J: you know you can come in and come by whenever.
T: open up😘

I open the door to Tom and he looks adorable as always.
"Hello beautiful" he hugs me and kisses my cheek. "hey." We walk to my couch and sit down. "I wanted to talk to you" we both say at the same time and laugh. "You go first" again we sat at the same time. "Please ladies first." I nod and take a deep breath , it isn't worth protesting with tom, I'll only lose.
"I don't want you to look at me differently...." He placed his hand on my cheek, " darling nothing you could ever say will make me look at you differently. " I take in a deep breath and nod. "I was rapped and abused and kidnapped......." His hand drops and his jaw clinches. "Who the hell would do that to you?" I grab his hand and hold it tightly to try and calm him down. " it was a long time ago. ....please calm down. " he holds my hand tighter and it hurts slightly, "it doesn't matter how long ago it was. WHO THE HELL WOULD DO THAT TO YOU?" now he's yelling and it's starting to scare me. " Babe.... " that's all I manage to get out because I'm actually getting afraid of tom. He looks down at me and sees the fear in my face and I let go of his hand. "Love.....I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get like that...." He trails off and grabs for my hand up I pull away and stand up. " Please.... Please leave, this was a mistake to tell you....just go. " I start to back away and he looks worried. "No, I'm not leaving you need me right now. I'm sorry for how I acted and for scaring you" I nod but continue to back away, I didn't know Tom could get that way and it scared me.
"Tom.....I love you. But please leave." He nods but walks towards me. " stay back" I put my hand up to keep him away, and I watch his heart shatter in his eyes before he turns and walks out with only the sound of the door shutting behind him.
I drop to the floor and cry because that's all I can do. As I feel my own heart break after watching the man I love leave.

Ahhh omg, I cried as I wrote this. It's so omg!!! It took me so long to write and I hope you enjoy!! Love you lots and thanks for 1k reads😘😘 kisses til next time.

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