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Tom's POV
After I met that girl yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about her. She seemed really nice, and had a sweet smile. She was cute. I'm going to tell my best friend Harrison. "Hey, haz!" I yelled because he was in his room. (We live together) "what?" He yelled back. "We need to talk, come in here" Harrison walks in. I take in a deep breath "so I met this really pretty girl yesterday walking out of the cafe, her names Jess and she has red hair and she's very pretty, what should I do?" I say all in one breath, "mate, relax okay, did you get her number?" Haz says, "yeah"I say getting all excited again, " Okay, text her, but don't be awkward!" He says sternly but I know he's joking.

Me, hey,
Jess, who's this?
Me, it's Tom, remember we bumped in to each other yesterday?
Jess, oh, right! What's up?
Omg, "haz what do I do? I say starting to freak out. "Ask her out mate"
Me, I was just wondering if you want to go out sometime?
Jess, yes, I would like that.
Me, okay great.
Jess, details?
Me, oh right lol, ummm. Where do you want to go?
Jess, idk, I'm new here.
Me, then I know just the perfect place, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6?
Jess, sounds great!
Me, bye
Jess, bye

Omg I'm freaking out, she said yes, ahhhhhhhh! I'm so excited. I can't wait to tell haz. "Haz" I say "I already know mate, I'm right here" He laughs "oh right" We both laugh together. I hope she likes this place.

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