the meeting part two

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".....And we can only ask for the same back."
Knock knock.
"On my gosh! He's here" I look around at my parents in a panic. "Would you like me to get the door?" My dad asks. " nonononononono I'll go get it. " I walk to the door rattling with nerves because I'm scared my family won't like him. I open the door to see my beautiful boyfriend standing there and all my nerves fall away. He walks in and kisses my cheek "hello love, you look stunning." I blush at his adorable accent and close the door. We walk into the kitchen and he immediate walks to my dad. " hello Mr. May. It's good to finally meet you! " and he shakes my dad's hand. "You too tom. We've heard a lot about you." He looks at me and smiles. " all good things I hope. " and that makes my dad laugh, great a good icebreaker. Then he walks over to nylon and kisses her cheek "and your the stunning mother I've heard about! As beautiful as ever, you don't look old enough to have all these kids. You and Jess could be sisters." My mom looks at me " I like him. A lot" up and I laugh good both the parents like him. And he starts talking with my brothers and falls right in. Everyone loves him and everyone is happy. "Before we eat, if like to talk with you." My mom says to me indicating for me to follow her into my room.
" Yes? " I sit on my bed "he's amazing I really like him. And he's cute, a good for for you." I smile to myself thinking of my boyfriend in the other room. "Thanks mom. I'm so glad you all like him! That makes me feel better." My mother sits and hugs me. " does he know? " my mom asks. I just shake my head so I don't start crying. "I don't want to tell him yet." My mother stands up as if nothing happened, because she knows I don't like to talk about it. " let's go see the boys " we walk out without another word and I walk over to tom. "Are you hungry?" He looks down at me and smiles. " do you know who your talking to? " I laugh at that, he's always hungry. I miss his cheek and we walk into the kitchen. "Lets eat" my dad says.
Skip to after dinner.
"Can we talk to you?" My mom and dad ask as all the boys go into the living room. I nod and sit back down.
" I like him" my dad says sitting across from me. "And we can both see you do to." My mom says sitting next to my dad. " Are you sure your going to be able to keep up with him? He's a full time celeb with fans and popularity and all kinds of things and I don't want you to get sucked in if you don't want to be. " my dad say. "Mom, dad. I can handle this. I want to be with him and if that means dealing with crazy fans and whatnot I will. Because I'm not going to lose him, he means so much to me already." They not and take it all in.
" we support you" they say at the same time. "Thanks. I love you both so much." I hug them after we stand. " and we love you. "
We all walk back into the living room and see all the boys, Tom and my brothers playing video games and yelling at the tv together.
I think Tom is going to fit in well with my family.
I go sit next to him and my mom and dad sit to. And we spend the rest of the night like that.

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