Chapter 33

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My mouth dropped when those words came out of Alpha Trion's (my) mouth. A crash sounded from behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wheeljack drop an Energon cube he was just holding, it hit the floor with a crash, shattering upon impact. Ultra Magnus stood behind him, and looked just as surprised as the former Wrecker.

"Say what?" I asked, louder then was nessecary. "We have to fight HIM?"

"Sorry, can you repeat that please," Slash said, as shocked as everyone else was. "I thought you just said that we need to fight Unicron, the brother of Primus and one of the most powerful beings ever to live."

"No, you heard me right. We need to fight Unicron." Alpha Trion said, his voice rather calm.


"It's the only way to dispel him fully. If we defeat his form in the amulet of life, then we fix it and gain full control over it again."

"But he's Unicron, and none of us are powerful enough to defeat him. Primus couldn't do it until the original thirteen primes helped him, and even then the battle was close!" Slash looked highly doubtful, and I couldn't help but agree with her. From my experience, Unicron was ridiculously powerful.

"But, do we not have a few Primes with us?" Alpha Trion asked. "I myself was one of the original Primes. I know how we defeated him before, so I'm sure that I can guide us to do it again. In addition, Optimus is the last remaining Prime alive today, and has fought Unicron before. He can do it again. The amulet itself holds the power level of a Prime. With Lora, we can defeat him."

"Wait, now you want to drag Lora into this fight?" Smokescreen asked. "Last time she was in a fight, she was hit by Dark Energon and that's what started this issue in the first place. She's never deliberately fought in a battle her whole life. Lora has always stayed on the side lines, and even then that was sometimes dangerous! This guy alone is the most powerful evil known to Cybertronians. She's only human! I mean no disrespect, but I disagree with involving her in the fight."

"I agree with Smokescreen. What can I really do against Unicron?" I asked.

"I couldn't agree with you more, Smokescreen. I have no wish to involve Lora in such a dangerous fight, especially if this is her first one, and with no training on how to properly control the amulet and its powers. But, we wouldn't be able to pull this off without her help. I may be able to use the amulet's powers on my own, but with her being the bearer, she holds the most power, even over me and all my training. This amulet was meant to hold the power of Primus himself, and grant the bearer the power to defeat Unicron, should he ever rise again. It's the vanquisher of evil. This is the job of the bearer."

Smokescreen let out a sigh.

"Can I talk to Lora?" Alpha Trion nodded his head (mine, I guess), and his hold over me slipped, and once again I was in the driver's seat. "Well Lora, what's your thoughts?"

"I don't want to be in a fight against Unicron, especially with how powerful and dangerous he is. The very thought terrifies me, but if it's the only way to fix the amulet then I'm going to put on a brave face and do it," I said, taking a deep breath.

Smokescreen let out a sigh of defeat.

"This is the only way," Grimlock added, helping reinforce Alpha Trion's and my statement. The leader of the Dinobots placed a reassuring hand on my guardian's shoulder. "I personally know that Lora is more than worthy of pulling this off. Why else would the amulet choose her?"

"Then it's decided, we will agree to your plan to fix the amulet," Optimus said, turning to me as he addressed Alpha Trion. I felt Alpha Trion retake control.

"Do you have the Energon?" He asked. At that, Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus stepped up, a few Energon cubes in their hands. The Energon on the floor was gone, replaced by a single clean spot.

"So, we just need to absorb these all into the amulet?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'll be doing it. I'm not sure you could pull off grabbing all of them in one go."

"Probably not."

Alpha Trion raised my hands and pointed them at the Energon. With no warning, the cubes started to turn into blue streams in the air, before flowing into the amulet. It glowed the familiar blue colour before stopping. All the Energon was now in the amulet's storage.

"So, how do we get Optimus into the amulet to fight Unicron?" Arcee asked.

"Well, it's actually quite simple, for me anyways. We just transfer his conscious here. Essentially, he's just in stasis and his mind is active inside the amulet. Although, it would probably be best if both Lora and Optimus lie down. Less risk of them falling down later."

"Pardon?" I asked.

"For this to work perfectly, you have to be asleep. You remember all those times when you faced Unicron? Not that I want you to remember them. You were asleep, or unconscious, when you fought him. It's the same concept."

"Well then, let's do it."

I laid down on the medical bed, Optimus not that far away on the large one made for cybertrons. Everyone was gathered around, watching impatiently.

"So there's nothing we can do to help?" Smokescreen asked.

"I'm afraid not," Alpha Trion said.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just close your eyes if you want, but other than that, it's all up to me."

I closed my eyes, as Alpha Trion instructed and felt a pull from within the amulet. This time it was a gentle pull, not a rough and sudden pull like Unicron did. It slowly guided me to sleep, coaxing me into the friendly darkness.

After a few moments of complete blackness, I opened my eyes to a light blue sky, with hints of purple scattered throughout it, dotting the horizon.

Slowly, I pushed myself off the ground and saw both Alpha Trion and Optimus greeting each other. I guess after so long, even if he was living in the amulet, it would be nice to see your old mentor again, alive (even if not physically) and well (to a point).

"So, how do we do this?"

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