Chapter 14

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School dragged on. Vince continued to bug me, but I also got closer to Sophia. We talked often in math and she transferred into my science. Sophia was now sitting beside me, but I still had Vince on my other side. It wasn't as bad anymore. Finally, I had introduced Sophia to Jack, Raf and Miko.

They all got along, which made me very pleased to see. She came every lunch and sat with us. We all had to be careful we didn't drop any hints about the Autobots or Decepticons. We did a few times but quickly covered it up, with a lot of explanations and jokes. She took them all, without asking any questions or raising an eyebrow.

I walked into the cafeteria and sat down after coming from gym. Sophia was already there. Miko, Jack and Raf were no where to be seen yet, but were undoubtedly on their way.

"Hey, how was foods?" I asked Sophia as I sat down.

"Good, we made banana muffins. You want one?" Sophia asked as she offered me a brown paper bag.

"Sure." I grabbed one out of the bag and took a bite. It was still warm and very good.

"This is delicious," I said nodding, my mouth still partially full.

"Thanks," she said through a smile just as Jack, Raf and Miko walked in. I saw them and waved them over.

"Want a muffin?" Sophia offered as soon as they came over. They all took one and thanked Sophia.

"How was gym?" Raf asked me.

"Good, I guess. We're doing tennis now. Just started today."

"Do you enjoy it?" Sophia asked.

"It's only the first day, but yeah," I nodded.

"That's always good," Sophia said.

"Do you play any sports?" Jack asked Sophia.

"I used to play volleyball, at my old school."

"You should join the school team," Miko suggested.

"I was thinking about it. After all, I did enjoyed it a ton."

After we all had finished our lunchs, we went to grab our stuff for our next classes. Miko and Sophia both had Social studies and Raf had math. Our group all went to the library before the bell rang.

Jack and I arrived at our English class and took our usual spots. Our class was small, only about twenty people. Normally, only about fifteen showed up. It was quite quiet today but one conversation stuck out.

"Did you see the picture on the conspiracy website," A black haired boy said.

"Your not still obsessed with that are you?" Another boy with brown hair scolded.

"I'm serious, it's true," the black hair one reasoned.

"It's called a conspiracy website for a reason," a third one pointed out.

"Just hear me out. There was a picture of a giant flying dragon," the first one said.

"It was probably just a bird, Eric," the third one muttered.

"A bird made out of metal?" The one called Eric questioned. Jack and I shared a look, both clearly shocked to here this. We both pretended not to be listening and working of the novel study, but we were really eavesdropping.

"I don't know, but it's fake for sure," the third one said, his voice raised a bit.

"Listen. There was more then one," Eric said. My eyes widened and I listened more intensely.

"Here we go again." the second rolled his eyes.

"They had glowing yellow eyes, and were made out of metal. I swear," Eric said, his voice getting slightly frantic as he tried to convince his friends.

"Eric, it isn't true. It's probably just photoshopped or something." the second one shook his head.

"I don't know, Sean, it looked pretty real."

"Well it's not," Sean exclaimed, getting a bit angry.

"It is! I'm a hundred percent sure of it!" Eric proclaimed loudly.

"Stop talking and get back to work!" The teacher yelled. The three boys stopped talking and went back to work.

After that, I had a hard time concentrating on my English work and couldn't stop thinking about what Jack and I had just heard.


I practically ran out of school and to Smokescreen as soon as the bell rang, eager to tell him of what I had overheard in English.

"You look worried," He commented. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you back at base. Everyone needs to hear," I explained quickly.

"Okay," Smokescreen said, unsure. He started up the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

"Can you tell me now?" he pressed.

"It's just easier to tell everyone at once I don't have to repeat myself. Jack also knows," I said. "It'll also be easier to explain with him also."

"If you say so," Smokescreen shrugged. He didn't press me for the rest of the drive back to the base. In no time, we arrived back at the base; Arcee, Jack, Bulkhead, Miko, Bee, and Raf all behind us.

"So, what did you have to tell us?" Smokescreen asked me as soon as he was transformed. I could tell the suspense was killing him.

"Raf, you know that conspiracy website we always watch just encase we find transformers on it?" I asked.


"Can you pull it up?" I asked. He nodded his head and pulled his laptop out of his bag and started it up. While that was happening, I made sure that everyone had gathered.

"Where is Slug and Wheeljack?" I asked.

"Here," Wheeljack called, his voice coming from down the hall. I looked around, doing a quick head count. Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Grimlock, Optimus, Swoop and Scorn were all present. I took a breath before starting.

"Today in English class, Jack and I over heard a conversation regarding someone talking about a giant flying dragon."

"Predaking," Ultra Magnus said, his blue eyes narrowing.

"That's what we thought," I confirmed. "but he also said that there was more then one." a heavy silence filled the room. "Now, I'm not a hundred percent with this, but I think we might have a Predacon army coming our way."

"This army?" Raf asked. He spun his laptop around, and I looked at the picture. It looked exactly like the one the kid called Eric had described while in class.

"Yeah, that one," I said. Raf sent the picture to the giant screen behind Ratchet. Everyone turned and looked at it. There were five Predacons in total. I found Predaking at the front of the 'V' formation, the largest of all the Predacons.

"That's a lot of power there, considering that Predaking alone was hard to beat," Scorn muttered.

"If they couldn't fly, it would be a totally different story, but with only one of us able to get off the ground, we're not going to stand much of a chance," Slug pointed out grimly. I couldn't help but agree. Raf scrubbed the picture and replaced it with another, but before saving it, just in case.

"How did Shockwave get that many Predacon bones without us noticing?" Arcee asked.

"They went under the radar for once," Bulkhead said, surprise clear in his voice.

"We only stand a chance with the Dinobots on our side," Ultra Magnus said.

"But, we are out numbered, even if it's by one, and overpowered," Swoop said. "And I'm the only flyer, as Slug just said."

"For the time being, we really have to make sure we are aware and always have back up on hand. We can't afford to let our guard down," Optimus said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I had a bad feeling that these guys were going to cause us a lot of issues down the road.

Transformers Prime: Shattered Lies (#2) [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें