Chapter 17

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I woke for a brief bit, everything hazy and blurry. My throat was hoarse and I felt so distant, almost disconnected. A rope bound my wrists and ankles, bitting into my skin. I could feel the ground moving under me, so I assumed we were in the back of a vehicle, probably a van. There were no windows, so it was pitch black inside.

"She's awake," a gruff voice said. Another person grunted before placing a cloth over my mouth and nose again. I had no energy to resist as a smell rose up my nose. Swiftly, I fell back into the black oblivion.


I woke again, but this time I was in a cell. It was all white with a thin bed attached to the wall. Letting out a groan, I sat up. A dizzy feeling raced up to my head as I did so. I clutched my head as I waited for the wave to pass. As soon as the dizziness was gone, I tried to stand, but unsuccessfully fell to the ground in a heap.

"Come on," I grunted through clenched teeth. I forced my wobbly legs to stand. After a few failed attempts, I finally stood. Now that I was standing, I looked around the room in which I was in. The front of my cell were bars, rather then solid walls.  The only exit was the door, but I saw that it was being guarded by two guards. It too wasn't solid, but had bars just like the other walls.

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I walked over to the door.

Outside, there were many people walking around, none with their faces exposed. They all wore the same clothing, a dark green trench coat with a dark grey shirt underneath. The guards in front of my cell also wore the same colour scheme, but had armor like clothing instead of a trench coat. A gun was also in their hands. Everyone wore the same looking mask that covered their whole face.

"You are with MECH," A deep voice said from the left of me. I looked over towards it to see a man, wearing an armor like suit with a dark green star on the front although the top point was missing. He had a scar running across the bridge of his nose and on the right side of his face. His hands were behind his back as he walked up to my cell. "Do you remember me?"

"How would I remember you?!" I asked furiously. "I have never met you before, and I'm pretty sure I would remember!" The man just smiled cruelly. I glared at him.

"You did your job to well, Ace," The man said as another man walked over to my cell. I let out a slight gasp in shock at his identity. 

"I know you." I accused, "You're the man who just about hit Smokescreen and I with your car." Standing beside the first man was the very same one who had just about crashed into Smokescreen and I.

"Smokescreen?" The first man asked. I stopped talking, not wanting to give anything else away. I couldn't believe I had let that slip.

"Yes," Ace said. "I had to find you. After all, you were my first success."

"Pardon?" I asked, worried.

"I'll let you get use to it here," the first man smirked. "Ace, let's leave Lora here, alone."

"Of course, Silas," My eyes widened as I recognized his name. I figured out why MECH had rung a bell. It was an organization that the Autobots had fought before. These people made up the group of humans who were obsessed with the best technology, being ahead of the world.

"How is Derek involved in all this!" I yelled after them, remembering the letter on Derek's kitchen table the day I had left to live with the Autobots. Silas and Ace turned to look at me.

"You'll know in due time." was the only response Silas gave me as he walked away. I sighed in defeat and slumped to the ground. This day had just got much, much, worse.


Earlier, Smokescreen's P.O.V

I phoned Lora's phone as I sat parked outside of Sophia's house. It just went straight to voicemail, like the last two times I had called her. Where was she?

I frowned as I willed my holoform to appear. Stepping onto the sidewalk, my instincts kicked in. On high alert, I looked for any sign of Decepticons. Had they possibly grabbed her again? I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. No one answered it. I stood there for a minute longer, looking around with a keen gaze. Now I really was getting worried.

"Ratchet." I pulled out the phone that my holoform had and called Ratchet.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Can you find Lora's tracker. She's not answering her phone and there's no one at the house." I waited as Ratchet checked.

"She's just on the road a few blocks away from Jack's work."

"Okay, thank you." Closing the phone, I checked the streets for people before my holoform disappeared. Quickly, I drove down the road.

"What was she doing in town?" I wondered. I soon arrived and formed my holoform again before walking around the area. I tried phoning her again. Voicemail.

"Scrap," I muttered. I walked down the back road to where Ratchet had said Lora's signal was. I came across nothing. I sighed in defeat.

"Where are you?" I muttered into the air as I hung my head. Something shone in the sun, catching my eye. Curiosity getting the best of me, I bent down to get a closer looked at the object on the ground.

"No, no no no!" At my feet was the necklace Ratchet had given Lora with a tracker attached to it. Hesitantly, I reached down and picked it up. A note was attached to it.

Good luck finding her. She's ours now.

My eyes widened in shock and fear as I read the note. Unconsciously, my fist clenched at my side. I felt it shake with rage and anger.

I promised that I would protect her, and I had failed. I had given her a false sense of security, and now M.E.C.H. had her in their grasp.

Looking up from the note, I starred at the wall of the building lining the backroad, eyes filled with hate.

"I will find you Lora, no matter the cost. This I vow with all my spark."

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