Chapter 26

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I sat in Smokescreen's passenger seat, my breathing fast. Jumping off of Swoop was ever so slightly terrifying. The ground bridge shut, the pod safely in the Autobot's base. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, there's one half of the mission taken care of," Smokescreen sighed. I opened the glovebox and placed the folders inside.

"SWOOP, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!" Ratchet roared over the com link. I winced at the high volume.

"Can you be any louder?" Swoop asked calmly. "You're in my audio receptor."

"Can we stop bickering and focus on the mission please?" Wheeljack snapped. "I'm trying to deal with these Cons' but you two screaming at each other is ruining my concentration." The com link fell silent.

"Smokescreen, do you have Lora?" A deep and familiar voice asked.

"I'm right here Optimus," I greeted.

"It's good to hear your voice Lora. Are you unharmed?"

"A side from a few scraps and bruises, yes."

"I say we pull away, we've got what we came for and pretty much destroyed most of the base," Grimlock recommended.

"I don't know about that," Swoop added. "These Predacons are quite annoying. I don't think they'll just let us leave."

"How long have they been here?" I asked.

"Since we first started our attack. We've taken down all of the Vehicons but Shockwave and the Predacons are causing quite the issue," Scorn replied.

"And plus these little humans are really getting on my nerves with their pathetic guns," Slug spat.

"Slug, we do not harm humans," Grimlock reprimanded sternly. Slug let out a little sigh. A small smile grew on my face.

This was exactly what I had been missing, the little bickering between bots and the family like disputes that they had.

"Autobots, fall back," Optimus commanded after a moment.

"Dinobots, let's go," Grimlock ordered. Slug grumbled a bit, clearly not wanting to go, but listened. A ground bridge opened up not to far away from Smokescreen and I.

"Ready to go home?" Smokescreen asked. I grinned in response.

"I've been ready for a long time." Taking that as his cue, Smokescreen hammered on the gas and we shot across the rough rock terrain.

I looked up at the sky and saw Swoop spiraling to the ground, Bee clutching onto his back for dear life. His one hand was in the air, waving around. I could clearly see that he was enjoying every moment.

Wheeljack rode on Slug as they charged right at a Predacon standing in their path. They didn't slow down as Slug lowered his head, ready to smack into the great beast. The Predacon was about to be charged into, when it flapped it's wings frantically and got out of the way. Slug and Wheeljack just kept on running, right through the ground bridge.

Swoop and Bee finally arrived on the ground. Bee had jumped off of Swoop and jogged through the ground bridge while Swoop transformed in mid-slide and soon went through right after Bee. Now it was just Optimus, Grimlock, Scorn, Smokescreen and myself left on the battlefield.

Loud footsteps sounded behind Smokescreen and I. I pivoted in my seat and saw that Optimus was riding Grimlock, who was a T-Rex. As I turned back around I let out a squeak of shock and fear as Predaking landed in front of the car. His chest lit up and maw open. Fear tore through me. Now was a perfect moment in which I really wanted my amulet.

Transformers Prime: Shattered Lies (#2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now