Chapter 7

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I panted hard, dark Energon sparking off of me. My physical self was still unconscious but I was conscious in my own mind. Unicron laughed menacingly at me.

"How weak you humans are," he chuckled more. I forced my shaking legs to stand. My breath came in short rasping gasps but I stood tall. I would not act weak in his presence.

"You may be right," I shrugged. "Let's find out." I was hoping that my amulet's powers would work in this domain, but for my luck, they probably wouldn't. Unicron probably found a way to turn it off or something, but I risked it anyways.

Even though I was weak and still shaky from Unicron's dark Energon, I charged at Unicron.

He didn't seem surprised at my random charge and got ready. I willed a shield to appear in front of me and it did. Relief flooded through me but I had no time to dwell on my luck. Hesitation would not end well for me.

In my other hand I pulled an orb of Energon, instead of shooting it like I had done back in the abandon mine with the scraplets, I held it and let the power fester and grow.

Unicron didn't move as I charged. To him this probably looked so odd, a small alien charging at him, trying to look tough. Regardless, I took this as my opportunity. I threw my now large Energon orb at Unicron. It passed through my shield, like how I hoped it would, but Unicron easily dodged it. Taking that as his cue, he charged.

I pushed my shield at the dark electricity that he released towards me. It sparked off the shield but didn't go through. I felt my strength slowly diminishing but I held strong, I wouldn't give in to him.

With amazing speed, Unicron cut off the electricity and and came at me. He broke through my shield and grabbed me and held me up to eye level all in one single second. My eyes had almost not been able to track his inhuman speed, but they had. I wasn't fast enough to move out of the way. I squirmed in his tight grasp.

"That was very amusing, but foolish. For now I will leave you alone, but remember this, you are mine," He smiled cruelly. I narrowed my eyes. His smile just grew, and then his grasp was gone, and I was falling. I didn't even have time to scream before the ground met me.

I shot up from my bed, conscious again and thankfully not a pancake on the ground. I cringed as sat up. My whole body ached and hurt all over. Apparently anything that happened in the amulet also happened out here.

Slowly, I swung my feet of of my bed.

"Let's see how this goes," I stood up on wobbly legs, as soon as I did so I knew that trying to stand hadn't been the smartest idea. Refusing to support my weight any longer, they gave out. I collapsed to the ground in a heap. My breath was heavy and I found it hard to breath. I rolled onto my back and tried to relax.

"I can do it, I must stand," I muttered to myself. I took a deep breath and stood, using my bed for help. I eventually stood fully and used the wall to make my way out of my room toward the main room. I made it there on unsteady legs. I needed to talk to Ratchet. Even if I couldn't tell him about Unicron, I had still promised him to tell him of anything regarding Dark Energon, I had just be exposed to a whole ton of it, which definitely wasn't good for a human.

"Ratchet!" I yelled weakly. He turned just as I collapsed to the ground.

My blurry vision refused to clear up as I woke. Groaning, I sat up and looked around. My legs weren't as unsteady as they had been before I passed out, but I still wasn't feeling the greatest.

"What happened?" Ratchet demanded worriedly once he noticed that I was awake.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, playing dumb even though I knew fully well what he was talking about.

"Don't try that with me. You passed out in front of me and look like crap. What happened?" Ratchet repeated while crossing his arms.

It couldn't get any worse then it already was, Unicron was already hurting me. Ratchet might even be able to help. Plus, I wouldn't be able to explain the Dark Energon without telling him of Unicron. Unicron even said himself that Optimus might find a way to get him out of the Amulet.

With a feeling of uncertainty, I told Ratchet everything from Unicron in the amulet to me not being able to contact Alpha Trion. When I was done, Ratchet seemed shocked.

"Take the amulet off," he commanded briskly."Now!"

"I don't know if I can. He might try to stop me," I told Ratchet. "But it's worth a shot." With shaky hands, I went to unclip the amulet. As soon as my hands touched the clip, a tingling feeling ran through them and a huge wave of force exited out from it, throwing Ratchet and myself across the room. All the equipment in the medical area that wasn't stuck to the ground flew all over the place. Luckily, we were the only ones in the room.

The room blurred and my shoulder screamed in protest as it slammed into a wall. I groaned in pain, my shoulder throbbing. Guarantied it was going to bruise.

Ratchet rolled onto his back, groaning as he did so. Standing up, his hand held to his head, shaking it as if he was trying to get something off.

"What the heck just happened?" I asked myself as Ratchet walked over to me in his holoform.

"What was that?" He asked clearly startled as he pulled me to my feet.

"Unicron. He doesn't want me to take off the amulet," I said, wincing while walking. Ratchet helped me back onto the medical bed before his holoform disappeared. "The blast drained a lot of my strength. I don't think he cares a lot about what happens to me."

"He's Unicron, of course he doesn't," Ratchet retorted grimly, a hint of anger in his voice. Optimus, Grimlock, Arcee, and Smokescreen ran into the room, weapons drawn. They all stopped and looked around the messy room. Optimus saw no threat and put his gun away. Everyone else soon followed his example.

"What happened? We heard a commotion?" He asked. Ratchet started to explain everything. I was grateful for that because I doubted that I could explain it a second time, as it was, it was hard enough to hear Ratchet telling them. I closed my eyes not wanting to see their expressions. Deep down I was terrified, and I could do nothing.

"No Lora, you need to face them." I opened my eyes and decided to face them.

While Ratchet explain, Optimus facial expression turn from concerned to surprised in a split second, and for a brief moment, anger. I would had missed it if I hadn't been looking that second. When Ratchet was done, everyone was left speechless.

"That would explain the purple shield," Smokescreen thought out loud, breaking the silence. Arcee looked at him with a confused look so he explained what happened while we were driving and just about got hit by the black car.

"I don't understand how he's in the amulet," Arcee said clearly exasperated.

"All he needed was for it to be infected with dark Energon and then he had a clear path in," I answered, looking down and speaking quietly.

"But why does he need Lora?" Grimlock asked clearly concerned for me. It warmed my heart to know that he cared.

"He clearly requires something that only the Amulet Of Life can give him, but what that is, I do not know," Optimus said deep in thought.

"What about his amulet, the Amulet Of Death?" I asked. "Why couldn't he just use that?"

"I don't know," Optimus said sadly.

"It's clearly something that only the Amulet Of Life can do, something that his amulet can't. If we can figure out what that is, then we come closer to returning the amulet," Ratchet gestured towards the amulet around my neck, "to it's previous state and remove it from around Lora's neck."

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