Chapter 2

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Grimlock's P.O.V.
I walked out of the groundbridge to see the three children crowded around the medical berth. Smokescreen handed the box over to Optimus Prime before quickly joining the children, his eyes never leaving the small group. Ratchet was in his holoform rushing around and attending to Lora, all the while muttering under his breath. I briskly walked over and joined them.

Ratchet had cleaned Lora's head wound and her breathing wasn't as shallow or uneven as it was when I had picked her up on the battlefield. The colour was slowly returning to Lora's face, but still wasn't the normal tone it was supposed to be. The amulet was still throbbing a faded dark purple but wasn't as bright as before. Whatever Ratchet was doing, it was clearly working.

"Will she be okay?" Smokescreen asked, not bothering to hide the concern in his voice.

"Hopefully. If the dark Energon never touched her skin then she should be fine, but Dark Energon can act strangely. It's mostly shrouded in myth and mystery that I doubt even Megatron knows all of its secrets and quirks," Ratchet said as his holoform disappeared. "I wish I could do more but I can't, it's up to her to pull through and recover."

"She shouldn't be like this," Smokescreen growled. "If she-" I cut off the rookie with a growl.

"She knew the risks, and she was willing to die for us. You saw her sneaking up on Megatron, she stood no chance in defeating him, but yet she still tried and ended up saving us. Without her, we would have perish. All of us must respect her decision and trust her," I said sternly. "And now we just have to hope that she recovers, which I no doubt think she will. She is a strong human. You've seen how stubborn she can be. She won't let anything stop her, no matter what. She doesn't give up easily."

Lora's P.O.V.
I was floating in blackness, not able to move or speak. My short dirty blond hair floated around me. The silver amulet around my neck was gone.

"Hello, weakling. What species are you?" A voice asked. It was deep and ancient sounding, but definitely not like Alpha Trion's. There was something about it that I didn't like, but I couldn't place what it was.

I tried to speak, to answer this person's (or bot's) question, but my lips wouldn't move and no sound would form.

"Don't try to answer, it won't work. I have complete control over you in this state." Who was powerful enough to do this? Just who was this?

"Your a human from the planet earth, interesting," He muttered to himself. "I know your probably wondering who I am. You'll know in due time, I will awaken soon enough." This was no dream. Someone was actually talking to me. I had no control over it what so ever, and that scared me.

"I can feel your fear. Good, because it will keep you alive. Don't tell anyone about our little... chat. If you do, you will suffer from pain like no other. After all, I'm a master of that among other things." The voice faded to nothing. As soon as it did, a blinding flash of light followed.

I opened my eyes slowly and was looking at a ceiling. Where was I? What happened? I closed my eyes again, letting them adjust to the bright light. It was causing me a deep throbbing headache, one in which I hadn't had in a long time. I reached up to where my amulet was and felt it there. It was warm to the touch, almost reassuring. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes and relaxed.

"How you feeling?" Ratchet asked. I then realized I was in the Autobot base.

"I have a huge headache and I feel like crap, but otherwise, I'm good." I groaned. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Ratchet asked, concerned.

"Kind of, I remember bits and pieces. I remember me staying behind to fending off Soundwave's tentacle arm things and telling Jack, Miko and Raf to go back to base without me."

"From what everyone has been telling me, you snuck up behind Megatron while everyone was captured and distracted him," Ratchet said.

It all started to come back to me after he said that. I had hidden behind a rock while everyone was fighting then when the Autobots and Dinobots got captured, my original plan was to take Megatron by surprise, but I had given the Autobots and Dinobots enough time to retaliate against the Decepticons while Megatron's attention had been on me. That had resulted in him sending a wave of dark purple energy at me, shattering my Energon shield when it had come into contact with it. I flew into a rock then it all went black. Now I was here.

"What happened next?" I pressed. "After I fell unconscious?"

"Optimus and Grimlock charged. Optimus went for the Star saber while Grimlock went for you. The two of them gave the rest of us time to rally and attack again. Grimlock transformed into a T-rex." Smokescreen said. "I went for you too but saw Grimlock had it and went for the box that Soundwave had."

"I thought Grimlock couldn't transform?" I questioned.

"That was what we all thought." Ratchet muttered.

"Did you get the box?" I asked Smokescreen.

"Sure did. Phased right through him and snatched it right from his grasp. Soundwave never knew what hit him." Smokescreen smiled, clearly proud of himself.

"I'm afraid that they were already a step ahead," Optimus gravely told Smokescreen while walking up to us. I slowly sat up but winced and slid back down. My back hurt a lot and my legs where really stiff to move.

"What do you mean?" Smokescreen asked the Prime.

"Whatever was in the box is gone," Optimus showed us the empty box. Inside there was a plush cushion that whatever was inside it had previously sat on. A shape was imprinted in the cushion but I couldn't make out what it could have possibly belonged to.

"So either the cons didn't know that it was empty or they took it already, knowing that we might take it," Arcee guessed.

"If it was a Cybertronian relic, that would explain why they didn't use it on us. They had taken it already or it was a trap to lure us in then turn us all into scrap metal," Slug realized.

"We have to assume that Megatron got his hands on the relic and be on our guard. We have to be prepared for any sort of attack," Optimus said.

After Optimus finished, everyone dispersed and left the area, except for Smokescreen and Ratchet.

"Let me know if you feel unwell. You got hit with Dark Energon and I want to make sure it didn't harm you. I know it hit your shield but even being in close proximity with it can be harmful," Ratchet said.

"I'll let you know," I promised.

"And I'll watch her," Smokescreen added. Ratchet nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer and Smokescreen watching over me. He turned and walked away going to check on the other Autobots. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting sleep take me. My energy was so low that I fell asleep instantly.

On board the Decpticon's Warship

"Good job Soundwave, we fooled the Autobot's once again," Megatron congratulated.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but how did we fool them? They have the Amulet Of Death," Knockout pointed out.

"Do they? They may have the container that it was in, but they don't have what was inside," Megatron sneered. Soundwave held up the amulet. It had a large dark purple bead on it with smaller light purple ones in between the larger ones. Roughly, it was the same size as its counterpart.

"So you just took the amulet out of the box and let the Autobots take the container. Smart," Knockout approved, nodding his head. "They will never see what hit them. They have no way to fight against us with this sort of power in our possession."

"They will stand no chance against us now. We Decpticons now have the key to winning this war, and ending it for good. The Autobots are now in their darkest hour," Megatron grinned, his evil smile growing on his face by the second.

Transformers Prime: Shattered Lies (#2) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang