Chapter 12

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School had been running for a week now, and I had gotten used to all of my classes, math, science, english and gym. It was my hard semester, but I didn't mind it all that much. As long as I kept up in my classes and didn't fall behind, I would be fine.

Unicron had returned recently and started talking to me throughout my school day. In the middle of my classes, Unicron would start talking about how primitive our technology was and how us humans where apparently small and weak. He would often start criticizing teachers and students in the classrooms or in the hallways. After trying to ignore him for the past few days, I yelled at him to be quiet but it never worked, he would keep on doing it. I was just hoping that he didn't decide to hurt me in the middle of the class. It would be very fun to explain to the onlookers.

I walked out of the school with my sweater tied around my waist and my bag on my shoulder as I went over to Smokescreen. I opened the passenger door to get in when I saw the reflection of Vince bugging someone in the side mirror.

"What is it?" Smokescreen asked as he noticed me looking at something.

"Vince being a jerk again. I'll be back," I muttered.

"Do you want help?"

"Na, I should be good. If it looks like I need, sure." I dropped my bag off before shutting the door and strolling over towards Vince with my head held high and a neutral look on my face.

He had pushed a girl, about my age, to the ground and was standing over top of her. She had long night black hair that was webbed across the ground behind her head. Her hands held her small form off of the ground and her face had a slightly scared look to it.

"Wow, one whole week of school and you're already bugging someone," I said with a sour tone in my voice, shaking my head distastefully when I came close enough for Vince to hear me. "Leave her alone Vince."

"Keep your nose of other's business," Vince shot back quickly.

"You're one to speak. It's not like I'm just going to stand here and watch as you pick on someone." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes. I moved myself in between the girl and Vince. "Back off," I said slowly, letting a venomous tone slip into my voice.

Vince narrowed his eyes and I saw his fists clench. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Smokescreen in his holoform leaning up against a lamp post with his arms crossed.

"I would leave now if I were you," I said. "My brother doesn't like it when people pick on others." Smokescreen walked over to me and looked at Vince. I could see Vince calculating carefully. His face scrunched in anger before he turned and stomped off angrily. I turned around and held my hand out for the girl to grab now that Vince was gone.

"You okay?" I asked as I pulled her off of the ground.

"Thanks to you. He can sure be rude," the girl said while dusting herself off.

"That he can," I agreed. "You new here?"


"Name's Lora," I introduced.

"Sophia. You're in my math class, aren't you?"

"Mr. Keller?"


"Hmm," After a few seconds of silence she spoke again.

"Well, I better be off. Thanks again for your help," Sophia said as she gathered her stuff up and turned and walked down the road.

"Anytime," I smiled back, waving my hand. I turned back to Smokescreen and followed him to the car.

"Brother?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised and a questioning smile painted on his lips.

"What was I suppose to say? My alien guardian? You honestly feel like one to me," I explained, a sarcastic tone in my smooth voice. Smokescreen just looked at me and smiled.

"Why'd you help her?" Unicron scolded "Let the weak be put in their place." I let out a sigh. It was so nice him being quiet. Why did he have to ruin it?

"No one is weak because they need help, but rather the opposite. You are strong for realizing that you need the help and accepting it," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Unicron said nothing more as Smokescreen drove down the road towards the Autobot's base.


I was hunched over my desk concentrating on my English homework when a blinding headache killed my concentration and declared my attention. I scrunched my eyes closed and grimaced, trying to get the image in my head to focus or go away. The picture focused and took over, claiming my thoughts.

I saw a pod that looked exactly like the one Smokescreen, Arcee, Jack, Raf and myself had fought over with the Decepticons in the forest. But this one was broken. The top was gone and a transformer with blue eyes crouched beside it.

He was a dark grey with shoulder pads that extended out from his body a fair bit. They were covered in spikes of various lengths and thickness. He was kneeling, his right hand rested on his knee and the other by his side. A shape was to the corner of my vision.

I couldn't see who it was, just that it was tall and definitely Cybertronian. The image then changed abruptly. This time it was sitting in a warehouse looking building, with no lights on. It seemed to be in the same environment as one of my dreams, the one with a female Cybertronian inside of it with blinding green eyes.

Before I could finish observing the environment, the picture in my head changed once again, to another pod, or the same one, in a black environment, sitting on grey rock. I couldn't tell if all the pods I had seen were the same one or different ones, I had no clue.

As fast as they came, the pictures faded away and I was left wondering what I had just seen, and what it all meant.

Transformers Prime: Shattered Lies (#2) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora