Chapter 10

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When we arrived back at the Autobot's base, everyone gathered to hear what we had discovered. After Smokescreen had repeated the story that David had told us, everyone was silent. Shock was clear on Miko, Raf and Jack's face due to the story. I had to agree with them, it was quite a tragic and shocking part in David's life.

"Did you learn anything that could reverse Unicron's hold over the amulet?" Grimlock asked. Everyone's gaze turned to me. I thought for a moment.

"No, I don't believe so," I responded sadly. "But, we did learn the the Amulet of Death can activate its powers without a wearer, which might be helpful when we have to face it."

"Then how do we stop it?" Raf asked eagerly, the shock gone from his face and replaced with an eagerness that only he would have.

"I don't know. Right now, we are at a huge disadvantage with my amulet out of the picture and with Megatron controlling Unicron's amulet," I pointed out. Right now, we're still as clueless as ever and no closer to fixing my amulet then we were before we talked to David.

"My liege," Shockwave said as he approached Megatron. Every step he took echoed off of the metal walls and floor. Megatron stood in the main room, servos behind his back. As Shockwave approached, his optic ridges raised. He turned his head ever so slightly, acknowledging that he heard Shockwave.

"The amulet is doing something." Without saying anything, Megatron turned around and walked towards where they were keeping the amulet, Shockwave following close behind.

When the warlord arrived in the room, the amulet was pulsing a steady rhythm, releasing a dull purple glow in the dimly lit room. They had implanted it into the hilt of the Dark Star Saber, making it an even more powerful, deadly and ultimate weapon; the Autobot killer, as they had now started calling it.

"He's trying to contact me," Megatron explained, speaking slowly as he picked up the sword. It pulsed brighter as it pulled the leader of the Decepticons into its world.

Megatron stood in the center of a world made of metal and Dark Energon crystals. He walked through the land, his purple eyes glowing, observing everything and watching the landscape for any movement.

"You came," a voice boomed. In front of Megatron stood the chaos bringer, Unicron. Megatron didn't move as he stared at Unicron defiantly. "I should kill you now, for all the pain and issues you have caused me."

"Lord Unicron," Megatron said finally, "I was only doing it to gain the Autobot's trust." Unicron looked at Megatron, calculating his decision.

"If you hadn't stop me back then, where would I be? I wouldn't have the options that I have now, to finally destroy that annoying Amulet of Life," Megatron looked slightly taken back for a moment. "But do know that I am watching you."

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything else," Megatron assured the Chaos Bringer. From the fog, another figure emerged. He was gray with a smaller build, standing a little taller then Megatron. The way he held himself was that of a powerful figure. His glowing red eyes had revenge and anger clearly seen in them. In his left servo hand he held a tall staff.

"Megatron, I introduce to you your name sake, Megatronus, or more commonly known as The Fallen, the first Decepticon and first bearer of the Amulet of Death." Megatron quickly bowed his head to the evil prime.

"It's an honour." Megatron spoke in awe as he addressed his hero. All The Fallen did was look Megatron over with his red gaze, calculating.

"So you are the leader of the Decepticons?" The Fallen asked gruffly.

"Yes," Megatron confirmed. The Fallen snorted at Megatron's answer. 

"You can't even kill a Prime," He muttered distastefully.

"How are you here? If I may ask," Megatron asked The Fallen, disregarding the last comment even though it wounded his pride.

"When my brothers betrayed and exiled me, Unicron came to me, offering me a spot at his side. I took it, needing the power he gave me, but at the cost of my spark.

"Instead of joining the Allspark, which I would have hated with everything I had, I joined with the Amulet of Death, and became one with it," The Fallen explained. "Ever since then, I have been apart of it and Unicron's loyal subject, unlike someone."

"Why did you summon me?" Megatron asked, once again ignoring The Fallen's last remark.

"With you placing the Amulet of Death into the Dark Star Saber, it has given us an unlimited supply of Dark Energon to use," The Fallen said. "And with that, the ability and power to finally crush the Autobots and the last of the filthy primes, for good. Do not mess this up Megatron, or you will regret it." With that, Megatron was thrown back into the real world.

Megatron's frame slumped before righting himself, not wanting to show weakness in front of Shockwave, and now Starscream.

"What did he have to say?" Starscream asked eagerly. Megatron glared at the Seeker before walking off. Starscream instantly dropped what he was about to say next.

"Shockwave, where is that pod?" Megatron ordered. Shockwave looked up and gestured for his leader to follow him. Soon they arrived in a room empty except for a single pod. It was the very same pod that Arcee, Smokescreen, Lora, Jack and Raf had discovered in the forest.

"It still won't open?" He questioned.

"Yes, my Liege," Shockwave confirmed. "The key pad is damaged. It is logical to assume that it was damaged in the crash to this planet and it refuses to be opened by any means, including force."

With the Dark Star Saber still in his hand, Megatron walked over to the pod and raised the Dark Energon sword over his helm. He brought it down with all of his might.

It hit the pod directly on the metal shell, sending a tremor up Megatron's arm. The sword grew bright as the Amulet of Death released Dark Energon. It traveled down the length of the sword, glowing and sparking all the while. When it met the metal shell of the pod, it spread purple veins along it before it melted through. The Dark Star Saber cut through the shell of the pod as easy as a hot knife through butter. Soon, the pod fell off to reveal the inhabitant.

The inhabitant fell out of the pod and stood on shaky legs, his yellow optics open. He looked upon Megatron, the Dark Star Saber with in the warlord's grasp. The Dinobot looked at him before kneeling.

"Lord Megatron," he acknowledged. All Megatron did in response was smile the same evil grin that sent fear into the hearts of all that opposed him.

I opened my yellow optics, staring in the deep blackness. Nothing moved and no light shone.
"Where am I?" I wondered. I went to stand, but found I couldn't move. I was cramped in a tight space. I tried to move all of my limbs, but to no avail. After struggling, I didn't move an inch. I gritted my teeth in complaint. I would get out, I would try with all my might, and hope I get out before my Energon reserves die out, and join the Well of Allsparks.

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