Chapter 18

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I sat in my little cage on the rock solid bed, just thinking. I was trying my hardest to remember Silas. I remembered Jack mentioning his name, but that was it. It was almost like I had a hole in my memory.

"Still trying to get some memories about this place and us?" Ace sneered at me through the bars. I looked up and narrowed my eyes.

"The best I can get is that your either toying with me and making me believe that I was here when I never was," Ace chuckled at my comment. "What? What's so funny?" I snapped.

"You're so close but so wrong at the same time," he laughed. He pushed a folder through the bars and let it hit the floor with a loud thud. I just stared at it and raised an eyebrow.

"The answers you want are in there. Look or don't, it's not like I care. I don't benefit from it either way." with that final comment, he strutted away. I continued to sit and watch the folder, expecting something bad to happen to it or me the moment I touched it. Paper had peeked out when Ace had dropped it, and a few jumbled words got my attention.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I slowly stood up and walked over to the folder, as if it was an untamed animal that would attack me at any moment. Ever so slowly, I crouched down. I watched it like a hawk before picking it up and going back to the hard bed.

I opened the folder up and centred in the middle of the first page in big bold letters was the word A.G.E.P.. In smaller writing underneath A.G.E.P. read 'Alien Genetics Experimentation Project.' My stomach clenched in horror as I read those words. I flipped to the next page.

It had a picture on the top right hand corner of the page in black and white. The picture was that of a girl, about ten years of age standing up against a wall. Her name was said to be Abbey. Notes ran underneath the picture that were complete hen scratch. I read what I could but none of them made much sense. The last word that was stamped on the page in read ink caught my attention the most. Deceased. My stomach cramped further as I flipped to the next page.

This time it was a boy, about the same age as Abbey, and named Josh. I went straight to the bottom and saw the same thing, Deceased. I grabbed the next page and flipped it frantically. It said the same thing. After I read the first five pages and read the same terrifying word over and over again, I found that the last page was the one with the most notes, and thankfully didn't have the dreaded word underneath it. I went to the top and looked at a name that made my heart lurched and my eyes widened with fear. On the page was the name Lora, and the picture of me standing up against the same wall as Abbey, Josh and everyone else. 

"How is that possible?" I whispered sadly, fear clear in my shaking voice, I allowed my legs to give out. now sitting on the cold floor I began to read. The first few entry of the notes read:

March 19: Subject is in pain after injection. The blue life blood of the alien in the pod had a different effect on all the kids, this one the most erratic. She is in hysterics and crying, then withering in pain. The first kid was yelling at us angrily while her veins lit up blue. I guess I'll never stop being amazed.

March 21: Today, subject is quiet, not moving or making a sound. I thought she was dead, but upon closer inspection, rather unconscious and barley breathing. I guess we'll have to wait and see if this one works.

March 22: Subject woke up and now her veins are glowing blue. Her blood is also blue and she doesn't appear to be in any pain.

I stopped and skipped ahead in the notes, seeing this part was probably nothing.

June 11: Subject has shown no abnormalities of development. It seems the blue substance has done nothing to her.

I skipped forward again.

August 20: the memory wipe has appeared to work. Subject is now to be removed from facility and placed in the care of one of our agents, Agent Derek Slevick.

My breath caught. They placed me with Derek on purpose, so that meant some how Derek did know M.E.C.H.. I continued to read, but really didn't want to.

August 30: Agent Slevick has reported back that subject is defiant and no improvements has appeared. Silas told him to do what ever is necessary to get subject to obey him.

I skimmed through the rest. It seemed like this was a total different person, and I couldn't believe that my whole life had been a game to them, one of their twisted experiments. When I arrived at the last entry, my breath caught.

March 1: Agent Slevick has reported in, saying that abnormalities have developed. He has described it as a blue shield, appearing out of thin air when the subject was just about to be hit. He went to hit again but a guy appeared and saved the subject. Now, subject is no longer under his care and he doesn't know where she went. Silas was furious with this news, but over joyed to see that the blue life blood from the alien had some side effects. He plans to check it on one more patient, but one that is willing to do it for our cause.

We have sent out search parties to try and find the girl but so far, nothing yet. Although I am confident that she will be found.

I was in complete shock. My whole body was cold, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking, no matter what I did. First, I had Energon running through my veins, but where had they gotten it from, I do not know.

Second, they though I had developed powers. They didn't realize that it was the Amulet, not like they would know though.

Lastly, they tested it on one more person, but the file for them wasn't in the file I had. It seemed that my problems where multiplying by the day, and getting worse with each new one.

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