Chapter 13

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I walked into my first period class, and sat down in a desk alongside the brick wall. As I was pulling my math textbook out of my bag, a shadow fell across the desk. I looked up and saw Sophia standing there. She held her binder and textbook close to her chest, clutching them tightly. Her long black hair was done in a braid that fell over her shoulder.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asked as she signaled to the desk beside mine.

"Not at all," I said as I pulled my backpack out of the chair and placed it on the back of mine, allowing Sophia to sit. She sat down and smiled sweetly to me. I smiled back.

"I can't seem to thank you enough, but thanks for help know."

"Honestly, no problem. I've had issues with him from time to time." The bell rang, cutting off our small conversation. Our teacher, Mr. Keller, walked into the room and began teaching today's lesson. I jotted down notes now and then, and worked on my worksheet as soon as I got it. I moved through it quite fast, double checking my work ever so often.

"How did you do that so fast?" Sophia exclaimed as I stood up to hand it in.

"I find it easy, I guess," I shrugged. I handed it into the hand-in bin before taking my seat again. "Do you need help?"

"Maybe," Sophia muttered uncertainly. I leaned over towards her and helped her through the math worksheet. Before I knew it, the bell rang for second period. I quickly gathered my textbook, binder and pencils before escaping my class. I dropped all my stuff off at my locker before grabbing my gym strip and hustling off to my second class of the day, gym.

I was kind of glad it was first semester. If it was second, like it was last year, I might have died from the heat. It was just to hard to do gym in the burning heat, especially when most of the activities were outside.

I arrived in the gym, quickly changed and went out to gather with my class. There were three different classes in the gym at once, two grade nine classes and my grade ten class. I sat down on the floor and stretched.

No one else stretched, instead standing in groups talking. I wasn't close to anyone in my class, therefore I was all alone. The feeling was an old friend, so it didn't bother me much. Before I had met Jack, Raf and Miko, I was always lonely. Jack and I barely had any classes together before he drifted off after meeting Arcee, and the friendship we had disappeared.

"Hey, Lora," A voice sneered. I looked up a Vince and saw his other friends standing beside him, all looking tough. I rolled my eyes and looked away, continuing my stretching.

"What do you want?" I asked, not looking up at them. "Can't you see I don't want to talk?"

"You should have never stepped in on our fun," he sneered. The guys around him snickered.

"If what you call 'fun' is picking on others to build up your ego, then yes, I'm going to step in," I shot back. Vince narrowed his eyes.

"Stay out of it next time. She was going to get it one day or another."

"I'm not going to stand by and watch you hurt others," I said furiously. Vince leaned in close towards me. His face was inches from mine.

"Step in next time, see what happens," he challenged. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. He straightened and stepped back, the threat hanging in the air. The teacher walked over and began attendance. The whole time, Vince and his friends whispered and shot glares my way. I pretended not to notice and ignored them.

"I like him," Unicron approved. I let out a mental groan. He was so nice when he was quiet. Why did he have to speak up?


I sat down at the lunch table and waited for Jack, Raf and Miko to show up. Jack came first, then Miko, and Raf last. We talked about our classes and other random things. I told them about Sophia and Vince's threat. Miko told me not to worry about it, and I wasn't. It didn't mean anything to me. He was in the wrong, not me.

After we all had our lunch, we just talked. I lost track of time and the bell rang, signalling that we need to head to out next classes. Jack and I went to our lockers and grabbed our English binders and supplies. This was the only class we had together.

We took a seat close to the front and a few seconds later the second bell rang. We were starting a novel study today and went down to the library to grab the book. I always loved the library due to the reason that I was a huge book lover, so the place was like heaven to me.

It wasn't long before Jack and I had signed out our books and arrived back at class. On the whiteboard was the chapters we had to read. I sat down, opened my book and started reading.

I lost myself in the pages, reading for a bit. Our teacher walked around the class handing out booklets. I opened mine up to find questions for the novel study. I angled it towards Jack for him to see. He looked at me and groaned in annoyance.

"So many," I mouthed. Jack nodded in agreement.

There was a lot of questions. Some were paragraphs, simple comprehension questions, and others, opinion questions. The bell rang and I quickly gathered my stuff and walked out of the classroom.

"See you after school," I said to Jack as we went down opposite hallways.

"Yep." was all he said in return. I weaved around people in the busy hallway and quickly made it to my class on time with a few minute to spare. After a few more people walked in before the bell rang. With that, the class was in session.

"Good afternoon class," my science teacher Mrs. Willows said. "I have decided to put a seating plan into play."–Everyone groaned in displeasure. "I know, but it is just temporary, only until I learn everyone's names. It is on the board now." she pulled the slide back from the projector and a picture appeared on the screen. I looked at the screen and looked for my name.

I finally found it near the back of the room, after looking up and down the rows of tables trying to find it. Like always, it was the last place I looked. My eyes moved to see who was beside me. As soon as I read the name I mentally groaned, meanwhile I heard Unicron snicker at my displeasure.

Picking up my stuff, I moved slowly through the brightly lit room to the table I had been assigned to sit at, starting at the front of the class and going all the way to the back. As I sat down I noticed that the spot to my left was empty, but to my right sat none other than Vince himself. He smirked at me. I just looked away, keeping my face neutral. This was going to be so much fun.

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