Chapter 8

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Over the span of the next few days, it seemed like everyone was keeping an especially close eye on me. Everytime I slept, Unicron plagued my dreams with his Dark Energon and lighting. From that day forth I was always having fitful sleeps, filled with pain and misery.

I woke from a particular fitful sleep in a rush, breathing hard. Forcing myself to steady my breathing, I curled up into a small ball. Ratchet had insisted that I sleep on the medical bed so he could watch over me. He was certain that he could find a way to lessen Unicron's hold over me, but so far, he had made no progress.

I took a deep breath and uncurled my stiff and sore body from the ball I had curled up into.

"How you feeling?" Ratchet asked me as he walked over to check on me.

"Stiff, but good," I assured as Ratchet scanned me. After he seemed satisfied that I was okay, he allowed me to get up and start my day.

I stood up off of the medical bed and stretched, then walked down the hall to get some breakfast from the kitchen area. I sat at the small table and munched on my jam covered toast, thinking about what Unicrion had said to me.

"You think that I need you for my plan to work. How wrong you are," He had chuckled. The last few nights I had tried to get him to spill more, but it never happened. He was tight lipped and anytime I tried, he instantly shut me down.

After sitting at the table for awhile, having barley touching my toast, aside from one bite, I heard three different vehicles enter the base and knew Jack, Miko, and Raf were here. I ran out of the kitchen area to greet them, leaving my toast behind.

"Hey, Lora," Miko greeted in her normal cheerful voice.

"Hi," I greeted back, tiredness was clearly evident in my voice. I was positive that the bags under my eyes had started to look like faint bruises.

"How was, you know," Jack asked me gently. He was referring to my sleep and Unicron.

"Better, I guess," I responded with a shrug. Last night Unicron had encouraged me to attack him. At first, I hadn't but he only hurt me worse, until I complied. So I decided that it was worth a shot and charged at him. I stirred from the memories of last night's battle to realize Jack was still standing in front of me. My attention had completely left him and the conversation we were have.

"Sorry," I apologized as I shook my head.

"Yeah, it's okay." Jack didn't look convinced about me saying that it was better, but let it slide.

A hour later
A few of the Autobots and Dinobots were currently checking out a Energon signal. It was an open pit mine that the Decepticons were mining, as Grimlock had confirmed when they arrived at the location.

Grimlock, Optimus, Smokescreen, Bulkhead and Scorn were checking it out. Jack, Miko, Raf and myself were waiting for them to come back. Soon, Miko got bored and walked off. The rest of us remaining sat down and watched the TV.

I was watching it absent mindly, not really paying attention to what was on the screen. Soon, the familar sound of the groundbridge starting up roused me. I leapt off the couch and scrabbled down the stairs. Everyone emerged, unscathed and with a whole lot of Energon cubes. Smokescreen was pushing a trolly with Scorn close behind. Grimlock had his arms full and Bulkhead was carrying two. Optimus emerged last.

"That's a lot," I commented

"It was all that was left. The cons took most of it," Smokescreen stated.

"Seriously?" I asked as followed Smokescreen down the hall way to the room with the Energon stored in it. "That's a little bit?"

"Compared to the over all deposite, yep."

"How did you know it was a big deposit?"

"How much mining equiment was there and how much of the ground was dug up."

"Oh," I said, impressed at Smokescreen's deduction skills. We just arrived in the storage room. It was the first time I had been in here, and I wasn't expecting what I saw. There were a ton of Energon cubes stacked along the walls and in neat rows.

"Wow," I said in awe.

"You've never been in here before?Smokescreen questioned.

"No, this is my first time."

"Kind of surprised-"

"SCAPLETS!" a voice yelled, cutting Smokescreen off. I instantly whipped around in fright and saw Miko standing at the entrance of the room. She was the one who had yelled.

Smokescreen let go of the trolley and pulled out his gun in a mere second. Grimlock, who had just finished unloading his arm load, pulled his mace off of his back with amazing and unrealistic speed. It grew to its normal size as Grimlock looked around for the threat.

Scorn did the same, letting go of his trolley and looking for the enemy. Bulkhead panicked and dropped his Energon cubes, and pulled out his blasters.

"Where? Where are they!?" he asked in a panic, speaking really fast. When he dropped the cubes, they both happened to land beside me. Upon impact, they shattered and I was covered in Energon goo. Miko started laughing so hard.

"Your faces!" she laughed.  "You should have seen your faces!"

"So there is no Scraplets?" Grimlock asked. She laughed even harder.

"Take that as a 'no', " I said while shaking my arms, trying to get the Energon off of me. "That's the closest your ever going to get." Everyone relaxed visibly.

"Why would you do that Miko? It not funny." Bulkhead scolded.

"Because I wanted to see your reaction," she stated simply.

"It's like us yelling 'spider' to see your reaction," Bulkhead continued. I droned out the conversation and worked on cleaning the Energon off of me. Smokescreen's holoform appeared beside of me.

"Want help?" He asked.

"Sure, but give me a sec. I've got an idea," I said. Smokescreen stood there and watched. I remember when Alpha Trion used the amulet to exsorb the Energon crystal in the mine that Smokescreen, Optimus, Grimlock, Swoop, Slug, Wheeljack and I had been stuck in for a few hours. I was sure I could do the same here. The only issue was that I didn't know how he did it.

I took a deep breath and concentrated. I worked on imagining what I wanted to happen and what happened last time. Soon, I felt the familiar feeling and the Energon disappeared into the amulet. It grew hot and had the familiar blue glow that I had missed so much. Ever since Unicron invaded, I hadn't used the amulet's powers a lot and the glow was purple, not the normal blue.

"That worked nicely," Smokescreen commented as his holoform disappeared.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Unicron roared in my head. I winced at the volume. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?"

"It doesn't effect you. The Dark Energon dominates Energon or that's what I thought," I said simply. I never got a response back. I shrugged it off.

"Look at the floor," I groaned. The floor was covered in whatever Energon hadn't hit me.

"Oh, that's going to be fun to clean up," Smokescreen said sarcastically.

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