Movies and Games *All Ships*

Start from the beginning

"Come meet Nini,"TJ said as he led the both of them into the living room.

There was a girl sitting on the couch, her long light brown hair pulled  back into a braid.

She looked up from where she had been sketching showing her bright blue eyes.

"Cyrus, Andi, this is Nini, TJ and I's cousin,"Amber said.

"Nice to meet you,"Cyrus greeted.

"Cyrus is my boyfriend and Andi is Amber's girlfriend,"TJ said.

"I figured so,"Nini said,"It's nice to meet you too."

The others began to arrive.

Buffy and Marty came in closely followed by Cris.

"Daniel and Parker can't make it. Said something about being forced to go camping,"Cris said.

"Okay, we'll still have a lot of fun,"TJ said.

Them finally Jonah and Walker arrived.

"Okay, I think the main thing is do we start with movies and food and then move onto truth or dare,"Amber asked.

The group nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so, what do we watch everyone,"TJ asked.

"Does everybody like Disney,"Cyrus asked.

Everyone nodded or said yes.

"Okay, so some Disney movie it is,"TJ said flipping through the movies on the TV.

"Oooo, Has everybody seen Oliver and Company,"Buffy asked,"Andi, Cyrus, and I  used to watch it all the time."

A couple people said no and the group agreed that would be the first movie while they are snacks and pizza.

After that they decided to take a break and play games or just talk.

"Okay, how about we go around the circle and just say some.random facts about us,"Amber suggested,"Like name, favorite thing to do, and something you like."

"Okay, I'll start,"Andi piped up,"I'm Andi, I love to make crafts and I like baby taters."

The group continued to go.

"I'm TJ, I love spending time with Cyrus, and I like hair gel,"TJ stated.

The group laughed and continued to finish with Nini.

"I'm Nini, I like to play sports and sing. And I really like netflix,"She said.

"Yay, now everybody knows everybody,"Cyrus shrieked,"Let's have a dance party!"

"Uggh,"Everyone else groaned.

"Come on, you guys are all just lame,"Cyrus stated.

"Excuse you,"Buffy said.

"We are not lame,"Andi said as the three of them stood up.

Buffy pulled out her phone pressing play on a song and then putting it on the table.

The three of them started to laugh as they started dancing in the middle of the living room.

They were doing some sort of routine while belting out the lyrics.

The group laughed watching it happen.

The three collapsed back onto the floor afterwards.

Buffy leaning against Marty while Andi and Cyrus had both fallen into Amber and TJ's laps.

"When did you guys rehearse that,"TJ asked.

"We have done that dance to that song since we met in Kindergarten,"Andi stated.

"Truth or Dare,"Marty suggested after some more chatting.

"Me first. I dare TJ to kiss me,"Cyrus screamed.

"Cyrus that's not how the game works,"Jonah said.

"It sure is. I accept,"TJ said before kissing Cyrus' lips quickly.

"My turn, Nini, truth or dare,"Amber asked.

"This really isn't how the game works,"Jonah stated again.

"Shut up Jonah,"Amber said.

"I'll do dare I guess,"Nini said.

"I dare you to sing a song that Cyrus gets to choose,"Amber said.

"Yes,"Cyrus exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't know,"Nini said.

"Nini has the most amazing voice,"Amber stated.

"Hey,"Jonah said,"Amber!"

"It's true Jonah,"TJ said.

Jonah just pouted leaning against Walker.

"Can you sing a Disney song,"Cyrus asked,"Like one of the princess's songs?"

"Hold on,"Nini said rushing out of the room and upstairs before returning with a ukele.

"I don't really know any Disney princess songs but I do know something,"Nini said before starting to strum.

She finished and the group clapped.

"That was amazing I have to say,"Jonah said.

"Thanks, I auditioned for my school's musical with that song,"Nini said.

"And you got the lead right,"Cyrus asked,"That was amazing."

Nini smiled.

As more movies progressed people fell asleep.

Cyrus completely passed out on top of TJ while Cris fell asleep using TJ's side to lean up against.

Everyone giggled which woke Cris up but not Cyrus.

"Okay, Cyrus and I are going to bed now,"TJ said lifting the limp boy into his arms and carrying him up the stairs.

"Thanks everyone for coming over,"Amber said.

Walker, Jonah, and Cris all left tired.

Amber said her goodbyes to Andi who couldn't spend the night because Nini was sleeping with her.

Then Amber, Marty, and Buffy all left.

"Did you have fun,"Amber asked Nini.

"Yeah, I liked meeting everyone,"Nini said.

"Well you definitely blew them away with that song,"Amber said.

Nini blushed.

"I'm serious Nini, you're talented,"Amber stated,"Everyone who's ever heard you sing knows that."

Nini just smiled again.

"Well, you can sing too. And you're much better at confidence than I am,"Nini said,"I almost threw up during my musical."

"But you didn't,"Amber said,"You just have to believe in yourself."

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