"Do not talk about my husband in such a way," Annalys growled at the man angrily, rising to her feet to glare at him hatefully, "You do not have the right to call him a fool."

"But you do?" The man raised a brow at the Lannister do.

"Aye, but I'm his wife. I may say things about him but that does not give you the right to do the same," she explained in a cold and venomous tone, "Half the time, the things I say aren't even true."

"Are you saying that the confession of your infidelity was untrue?" Jasper asked and Annalys nodded, causing him to scoff, "Like I'd believe that."

"You fucking idiots. All you have to do is do the math the correct way and you'd realize that every time I've conceived my children, Robb was around. I fell pregnant with Joanna and Torrhen when Robb and I were in the Riverlands, traveling from Winterfell to Casterly Rock. I nearly lost my hand during that journey and Robb comforted me. We bedded each other numerous times during that journey and I ended up falling pregnant. I fell pregnant with little Edric soon after I lost my son. Soon after Robb and I bedded one another, the fever in Westeros arrived and I was forced to leave. When I left though, I was already pregnant."

The man remained silent for a long moment, taking in her words. "You're saying you didn't bed others in the past eighteen years."

"Of course I did," Annalys replied without hesitation before continuing on to elaborate, "I fucked Euron Greyjoy numerous times when Robb and I were on a break in order to keep the Iron Fleet in my grasp. I fucked the Wildling Queen when Robb and I weren't together because I needed a distraction from how much I missed my children. I fucked a whore during the Rebellion because I wanted to keep my mind off the man I love. And I fucked Ramsay Bolton in order to take Winterfell for Robb, but we were on a break at the time."

"You've bedded men when you weren't married to them."

"Technically, I was betrothed to both of them when the sex happened. I just never went through with the betrothal," Annalys confessed without a care in the world, "Oh, you want the absolute truth? I fucked another lady a few years ago in the Red Keep."

"You've committed infidelity, then."

Annalys began to smile, tilting her head as she looked up at him. "Who said my husband wasn't there with me?" She questioned and eyes widened, horrified by the revelation as he turned away from her, "What's wrong with a little fun, Ser Jasper? I'm starting to think you're a virgin."

"Even if you're not guilty of having Bastard children, you still killed many members of the Florent family. Not to mention, you killed Glendon Redwyne." He explained, earning an eye roll from Annalys.

"I didn't," Annalys confessed but by the look on the man's face, she knew he didn't believe her, "Really, I didn't. Glendon Redwyne killed the Florent family. He did it when my husband refused to kill the Head of House Florent at the time. Something about him taking Redwyne's sister's virtue by raping her. He killed them by poison..." She trailed off, deciding to take the blame for Robb, "When I found out about what he had done, I tossed him into the cells that held the sick and let him get infected. I believed that was more than enough punishment for killing men, women, and children just because he didn't get his way, don't you?"

Jasper remained silent. He didn't want to understand Annalys' perspective but he truly was starting to. He sighed, turning on his heel and leading him to the river's edge.

"What? You think I'm right?" Annalys questioned, giving him a daring look.

"You killed your brothers."

"Yes, I killed Joffrey. I saved millions from living under a tyrant's rule. You're welcome," she explained before a saddened look grew on her face, "As for Tommen, I did not kill him. I wept when I learned of his death. I loved him dearly. He was my baby brother, after all. When the second battle of the Blackwater occurred, I sat on the Iron Throne. I held nightshade in my hand. I prepared to kill him, just to save him from whatever Stannis' men would do to him when they found him. I went into labor that night, yet still I killed dozens of men in order to protect him. I betrayed the North to protect him."

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Where stories live. Discover now